The Wisconsin Idea

Can the Fight for $15 Replicate Its New York Wage Board Victory Around the Country?
Max Zahn
Leaked Documents Show How Harvard Administration Wants To Defeat Grad Student Union
Corey Robin
Unless You’re a Corporation, Nothing Good Will Come of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
The image is split diagonally. In the top triangle of the image, a Black man holds a smoking gas canister. In the bottom triangle of the image, a Palestinian man is in a throwing stance, surrounded by smoke.
Black Lives Matter Activists Declare Solidarity with Palestine
The statement revives the internationalism of the '60s and '70s, when black activists saw themselves as part of a global fight against Western colonialism
Salim Muwakkil
Bosses Must Keep Up Dues Checkoff after Contract Expires, Says Labor Board
Robert Schwartz
Israel, Afghanistan and Drones: What the Democrats Didn’t Talk About Last Night
The Democrats' foreign policy discussions often took a hawkish line and avoided many of the most important issues that a future president will face.
Branko Marcetic
Bernie Sanders Won All Major Polls, But Corporate Media Declared Hillary Clinton the Debate Winner
Bernie Sanders by all objective measures "won" the debate.
Adam Johnson
Why It Matters That Bernie Sanders Forced a Debate About Capitalism on National TV
Facing rampant inequality and poverty, a substantive debate on socialism versus capitalism is exactly what the United States needs right now.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Anderson Cooper’s Claim About Bernie Sanders’ Soviet Union Honeymoon Was Redbaiting and Deceptive
Cooper's implications were dishonest.
Timothy Lange
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