The Wisconsin Idea

How the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Keeps Working People Poor and Destroys the Environment
Simon Swartzman

Who’s Behind the Smithsonian Museum’s $63 Million Ode to American Capitalism?
Just who you would think.
Chris Lehmann

China’s Currency Devaluation Protected Its Workers—Something the U.S. Doesn’t Bother With
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

InvestigationGoodman Institute
The Real War on Families: Why the U.S. Needs Paid Leave Now
Investigation reveals the devastating effects of the lack of paid family leave: Our data show nearly 1 in 4 employed mothers return to work within two weeks of childbirth.
Sharon Lerner

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: The U.S. Military Is in Africa—But What Is It Doing There?
Journalist Nick Turse discusses his new book, Tomorrow's Battlefield: U.S. Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa.
Marc Daalder

Machinists Union Members Outraged Over Hillary Clinton Endorsement, Say They Want Bernie Sanders
Mario Vasquez

Gov. Walker Gets Off ‘Scot-Free’ For Alleged Campaign Finance Violations
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has halted an investigation into Walker's questionable campaign finance tactics.
Joel Bleifuss

Rural America
Soil is Life: Herbivorous Solar Conversion and Carbon Sequestration in the Shenandoah Valley
Joel Salatin

Rural America
Going Postal: How All-Mail Voting Thwarts Navajo Voters
Stephanie Woodard