The Wisconsin Idea

Rural America
Sacrificing at the Altar of Energy
Charles W. Johnson
Can Ferguson’s Black Community Claim Political Power?
Rev. and Missouri state Rep. Tommie Pierson, who has found himself in the eye of the storm, reflects on Ferguson's recent elections and the DOJ report.
Emmett Rensin
Fast Food Workers in 236 Cities Pull Off Largest Strikes Yet as Other Low-wage Workers Join Fight
David Moberg
5 Ways To Reduce Inequality By Holding Corporations Responsible
What would happen if we returned to the philosophy that businesses should serve workers and society?
Amy Domini and Sofia Faruqi
A Black Woman Traces Her Nazi Heritage
In My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me, adoptee Jennifer Teege recounts her journey of discovery after learning her biological grandfather was mass murderer Amon Goeth.
Erin Aubry Kaplan
Could Elizabeth Warren Really Run Against Hillary Clinton?
Some are holding out for a progressive alternative to a Clinton coronation.
Jessica Stites
Frances Fox Piven on Syriza and Greece’s Prospects for Fighting Austerity
The longtime social movements scholar discusses Greece's uprising in the eurozone.
Alexandros Orphanides
Rahm Emanuel Agrees to $5.5 Million in Reparations for Police Torture Survivors
After a decades-long battle by survivors and advocates, Chicago is poised to finally address a dark legacy.
Keisa Reynolds
How the Fight for 15 Has Inspired Bold Action and Demands from Workers Everywhere
Sonia Singh
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