The Wisconsin Idea

Frances Fox Piven on Syriza and Greece’s Prospects for Fighting Austerity
The longtime social movements scholar discusses Greece's uprising in the eurozone.
Alexandros Orphanides

Rahm Emanuel Agrees to $5.5 Million in Reparations for Police Torture Survivors
After a decades-long battle by survivors and advocates, Chicago is poised to finally address a dark legacy.
Keisa Reynolds

How the Fight for 15 Has Inspired Bold Action and Demands from Workers Everywhere
Sonia Singh

Hillary Clinton Is Saying the Right Words on Income Inequality. But Will She Do Anything About It?
This is a defining moment for Democrats—and for Clinton.
Robert Reich

The Courage of Low-Wage Workers On Strike
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

How We Can Hold American Companies that Use Sweatshop Labor Accountable
Erik Loomis

Ready for a Woman, But Not Hillary Clinton
She may be a feminist, but Hillary Clinton's policies and demeanor fit nicely with the old boys' club on Capitol Hill.
Susan J. Douglas
Progressives Are Going to Make Rahm Emanuel’s Second Term Very Difficult for “Mayor 1%”
Miles Kampf-Lassin

Restricting Abortion Restrictors
Matt Bors