The Wisconsin Idea

America’s Tween Soldiers
Middle schoolers: Uncle Sam wants you
Seth Kershner

BREAKING: In Chicago, Reports of Voters Receiving Ballots Already Marked for Emanuel
After a Facebook post suggested voting irregularities blew up, similar reports are emerging.
Rick Perlstein

Yes, Rahm Has Brought Businesses To Chicago—But Their Labor Records Aren’t Pretty
Yana Kunichoff

Is Chicago Finally Tired of Rahm Emanuel?
Emanuel might conceivably lose—a previously unthinkable notion—in his bid for a second term of Chicago's mayor.
John R. MacArthur

Harvard Feels the Heat on Fossil-Fuel Divestment
It's not Al Gore's movement anymore. Student activists are bringing a new militancy to the fight against climate change.
Kate Aronoff

Bernie Sanders Endorses Chuy Garcia, Calls Chicago Election a ‘Political Revolution’
Kari Lydersen

The New Union Plan to Protect Immigrant Members from Deportation
Julia Kann

Fight for Fifteen on Campus: Northeastern Students to Vote for $15 Wage for All University Employees
Keely Mullen

Darth Rahm vs. The Chuy Rebellion
Jesús "Chuy" Garcia's meteoric rise could land him the mayorship if only he can channel the force—record voter turnout among Chicago's disenfranchised.
Ethan Michaeli