The Wisconsin Idea

Just Taxing the 1 Percent as Much as We Tax the Poor Would Yield Billions for Cash-Strapped States
A new report shows that states and cities effectively tax the 1 percent at only 5.4 percent—half what they tax the poor (10.9 percent).
David Sirota

Protests Get Results: Walmart Announces It Will Give Workers a Raise
Shawn Gakhal

How Mexican Teachers Are Fighting Standardized Tests and Corporate Education Reform
Jane Slaughter

A Recent Study Says Unionized Companies Actually Pay Less. The Truth Is a Bit More Complex.
Michael Paarlberg

‘Uber is a rip-off for its drivers and the public’: Cab Drivers Protest Rideshares in Chicago
Rebecca Burns

UPDATE: After 9-Month Dispute, Port Union and Labor Secretary Perez Reach Deal with Management
Mario Vasquez

Jury Awards Guestworkers Over $14 Million in Landmark Human Trafficking, Forced Labor Case
Rachel Luban

California Follows Vermont in Providing Condoms to State Prisoners
George Lavender

The Wrong Way to Revitalize a City
ALEC’s scheme to take the community out of community development.
Rachel M. Cohen