Working In These Times

With Election in a Dead Heat, Union-Busting Gov. Scott Walker Attacks the Unemployed
Roger Bybee
Rahm Emanuel Has a New Progressive Challenger in Chicago’s Mayoral Race
Yana Kunichoff
Good News for Philadelphia Teachers: Court Delays Unelected Reformers’ Shady Contract Cancellation
Kevin Solari
Hawaiian Health Care Workers Push Back Against Health Care Giant Kaiser Permanente
Steve Early
The Sharing Economy: 21st Century Technology, 19th Century Worker Protections
Amanda Armstrong
Remembering the Deadly Donora Smog
Kari Lydersen
The Super Bowl Will Gross Half a Billion Dollars This Year, But the NFL Really Needs Your Free Labor
Aviana Willis
Meet the High School Social Studies Teacher Taking On Chicago’s Right-Wing Democrats
Yana Kunichoff
Grave Digger: “You’ve Got to Uphold Some Type of Integrity”
Amien Essif
House Democrats Call for an Investigation into Jimmy John’s Non-Compete Clauses
Will Craft
Nervous, Cuomo? Green Party’s Howie Hawkins Draws 6 Teachers Union Endorsements
Kevin Solari
The Sharing Economy’s ‘First Strike’: Uber Drivers Turn Off the App
Rebecca Burns
“The Show Must Go On”: Guitar Center Workers Push for First Contracts
Diane Krauthamer
Karen Lewis’ Replacement at the CTU Has a Message for Rahm Emanuel
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Wall Street and Major Retailers Agree That Inequality is Killing Us. Why Don’t Republicans?
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
1,000 Nurses to Walk off the Job at U. of I. Hospital Tuesday (Update: Strike Averted)
Will Craft
Texas Nurses Say They Lacked Proper Protocol, Equipment to Treat Ebola
Jordan McCurdy
If You’re An Uber Driver, Don’t Tweet This Article. You Might Be Fired.
Marina Fang
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