Working In These Times

EXCLUSIVE: 19.7 Million Finance and Insurance Workers Subject to Political Lobbying By Their Bosses
Spencer Woodman
Why Does Scott Walker Think $7.25 Is a Living Wage?
David Sirota
Immigrant Recycling Workers Win Strike, Union Drive in East Bay
David Bacon
Meet Jess Spear, the Socialist and Climate Scientist Running for Washington’s State House
Ari Paul
Billionaire-Backed Group Spends Unprecedented $290K in Minneapolis School Board Race
Sarah Lahm
Silicon Valley Firm’s Wage Theft: ‘Worse Than Sweatshops’
Alex Lubben
Denmark’s McDonald’s Workers Aren’t Demanding $15 an Hour—Because They’re Already Making $20
Janet Allon, AlterNet
‘Yelp for Guestworkers’ Shines Light On Shadowy, Abusive Recruiting Process
Rachel Luban
With Election in a Dead Heat, Union-Busting Gov. Scott Walker Attacks the Unemployed
Roger Bybee
Rahm Emanuel Has a New Progressive Challenger in Chicago’s Mayoral Race
Yana Kunichoff
Good News for Philadelphia Teachers: Court Delays Unelected Reformers’ Shady Contract Cancellation
Kevin Solari
Hawaiian Health Care Workers Push Back Against Health Care Giant Kaiser Permanente
Steve Early
The Sharing Economy: 21st Century Technology, 19th Century Worker Protections
Amanda Armstrong
Remembering the Deadly Donora Smog
Kari Lydersen
The Super Bowl Will Gross Half a Billion Dollars This Year, But the NFL Really Needs Your Free Labor
Aviana Willis
Meet the High School Social Studies Teacher Taking On Chicago’s Right-Wing Democrats
Yana Kunichoff
Grave Digger: “You’ve Got to Uphold Some Type of Integrity”
Amien Essif
House Democrats Call for an Investigation into Jimmy John’s Non-Compete Clauses
Will Craft
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