Working In These Times

A Bright Spot in Tuesday’s Bloodbath: Massachusetts Voters Passed a Strong Paid Sick Leave Bill
Michael Arria

I Didn’t Vote for Pat Quinn, Because He’s Trying to Destroy My Pension
Fred Klonsky

Walmart’s Inhumane Policies for Pregnant Workers
Amien Essif

After Public Radio Station Hires Notorious Union-Buster, Employees Likely to Lose Union Vote
Bruce Vail

Richard Trumka Sounds Optimistic Note In Spite Of Republican Midterm Shellacking
Cole Stangler

‘Over a Hundred’ Female Auto Workers Claim Assault, Sexual Harassment at Ford Plant
Kevin Solari

Andrew Cuomo and the Sad State of the Working Families Party
Ari Paul

The Movement for Domestic Workers Rights Is Gaining Momentum
Maxim George

Oregon Canvassers Workers Push for Unionization at Union-Funded Workplace
Shane Burley

Andrew Cuomo Will Be Reelected and Public Education Will Suffer Because Of It
Kevin Solari

EXCLUSIVE: 19.7 Million Finance and Insurance Workers Subject to Political Lobbying By Their Bosses
Spencer Woodman

Why Does Scott Walker Think $7.25 Is a Living Wage?
David Sirota

Immigrant Recycling Workers Win Strike, Union Drive in East Bay
David Bacon

Meet Jess Spear, the Socialist and Climate Scientist Running for Washington’s State House
Ari Paul

Billionaire-Backed Group Spends Unprecedented $290K in Minneapolis School Board Race
Sarah Lahm

Silicon Valley Firm’s Wage Theft: ‘Worse Than Sweatshops’
Alex Lubben

Denmark’s McDonald’s Workers Aren’t Demanding $15 an Hour—Because They’re Already Making $20
Janet Allon, AlterNet

‘Yelp for Guestworkers’ Shines Light On Shadowy, Abusive Recruiting Process
Rachel Luban