Working In These Times

French Strike and March Over Pension Reforms…Again
Kari Lydersen

Not Very Sporting: Worker Exploitation Mars Commonwealth Games in India
Michelle Chen
A Picket Line Should Be a Symbol of Hope—Not the Butt of a Late Night Joke
Mike Elk
SEIU Polling: Voters Favor Ending Tax Cuts For Wealthy
Art Levine

Struggling Postal Service Seeks Wage Concessions
Akito Yoshikane

Restaurant Opportunity Center Offers Ray of Hope in Dire Times
Stephen Franklin

Wrestling With Racial Bias, New York Firefighters Resist Reform
Michelle Chen

Warehouse Union Slams Rite Aid Mismanagement
Rand Wilson
Look to Rhode Island for How to Target Anti-Labor Democrats
Mike Elk
Harley Subsidies Underscore Reality of Supercharged Corporate Power
Roger Bybee

Scoundrel Time At Kaiser, as SEIU/NUHW Election Showdown Continues
Steve Early
UAW President Calls Boycott on Behalf of Detroit Restaurant Workers
Kari Lydersen

New SEIU Sec.-Treas. Eliseo Medina Sets Plans for Organizing, Immigration Reform
David Moberg
New Fashion Trend: Chinese Labor in Italy’s Shadow Garment Factories
Kari Lydersen

Chorus of Progressive Economists: Govt. Must Spur Demand to End Recession
Roger Bybee

By the Numbers, Public Workers Defy Anti-Government Stereotypes
Michelle Chen

As Poverty Rate Jumps, Jobs With Justice, PDA Highlight Jobs Emergency in 100 Cities
Art Levine
SEIU Helps Bank Workers Become Whistleblowers
Mike Elk