Spencer Woodman is a journalist based in New York. He has written on labor for The Nation and The Guardian.
You can follow him on Twitter at @spencerwoodman and reach him via email at Contactspencerwoodman@gmail.com.

New Survey Reports Uber Drivers Are Investing Big in the Company But Get Little Stability
Spencer Woodman

Nashville Voted To Give Poor People, Locals New Construction Jobs. But the State GOP Blocked It.
Spencer Woodman

Remember How Jeb Bush Dismantled Florida’s Department of Labor?
Spencer Woodman

When Temp Workers Die While Being Taken to the Job, Who’s Responsible?
Spencer Woodman

EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Comcast Ghostwrote Pro-TWC Merger Letters of Support for Hawaii Governor
New records reveal that the cable giant wrote a lobbying letter signed by the Aloha State's head.
Spencer Woodman

EXCLUSIVE: 19.7 Million Finance and Insurance Workers Subject to Political Lobbying By Their Bosses
Spencer Woodman

EXCLUSIVE: Rock, Roll ‘n Wage Raises: Guitar Center Announces Pay Hike Following Employee Organizing
Spencer Woodman

Opposed by Business Lobby, Iowa’s Wage-Theft Bill Is Poised To Die
Spencer Woodman

Wage Theft’s Top Cop
Meet Julie A. Su, bane of the deadbeat employer
Spencer Woodman

Virginia Restores Funding to Wage-and-Hour Department
Spencer Woodman

The Wage Theft Epidemic
Thanks to a wave of government cuts, there's no one to stop your boss from withholding your pay.
Spencer Woodman