Chris Lehmann, is editor-in-chief at The Baffler and a former managing editor of In These Times. He is the author of The Money Cult: Capitalism, Christianity, and the Unmaking of the American Dream (Melville House, 2016).
A former managing editor of In These Times, his work has also appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, The Washington Post and Slate, among other publications.

Gaga for Google
The Internship: a study in the psychology of mass digital conformity.
Chris Lehmann

In Defense of Dessert: The Case Against Austerity
Why cutting down doesn't pay off.
Chris Lehmann

Morning Jo(k)e
Joe Scarborough and the Beltway austerians think Nobelist Paul Krugman is a nut. Really, Joe?
Chris Lehmann

No Sanctuary in the Ivory Tower
Why didn't MIT defend Aaron Swartz?
Chris Lehmann

Year of the White-Guy Meltdown
Boehner's f-bomb, LaPierre’s rant ... have the white men in power simply lost it?
Chris Lehmann

Blinded by Thrift Store Irony
It makes very little sense to characterize irony, strictly speaking, as a matter of self-presentation.
Chris Lehmann

Weak Teavangelicals
Despite great efforts, Billy Graham and his flock failed to pull out a Romney win. Is the 'values voter' era over?
Chris Lehmann

Rich Deserts
Our new cult of money ensures that breeding shall evermore speak to breeding.
Chris Lehmann

Ryan Shrugged
Republican vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan can't shake his Randian roots.
Chris Lehmann

GOP Time Travelers and Other Hucksters
The misguided semantics paving the way to November's election
Chris Lehmann

The Class That Dare Not Speak its Name
The talk deemed too "political" for TED.
Chris Lehmann

HBO’s Female Regression Analysis: Girls and Veep
American pop culture teems with characters afraid of adult responsibilities.
Chris Lehmann

Rubes’ Gold in Sacks
The very public resignation of a Goldman Sachs executive exposes what most already knew: The firm is morally bankrupt.
Chris Lehmann

No Bark, Less Bite—That Dog Don’t Hunt
Are America's long-running culture wars drawing to a close?
Chris Lehmann

A Hipstamatic Moment
Kodak is bankrupt. But we still crave the instant nostalgia that was once the company's hallmark.
Chris Lehmann

Christopher Hitchens: A D.C. Requiem
The fawning homages triggered by the prolific polemicist's death missed the true tragedy of his later career.
Chris Lehmann

Hollywood’s Fraud-Free Fantasies
On the big and small screens, the entertainment industry fails to explain why the U.S. economy collapsed.
Chris Lehmann

Au Revoir, Noblesse Oblige
The sense of duty America's ruling class once felt to support the greater good is gone.
Chris Lehmann

Tea Party Death Trip
Why are some Americans so comfortable letting fellow citizens die?
Chris Lehmann

When a Paradigm Falls and Nobody Hears It
The neoliberal status quo is indefensible—yet the public silently accepts its supposed legitimacy.
Chris Lehmann

Murdoch’s Minor Setback
Don’t believe the humility: The mogul’s empire is not crumbling.
Chris Lehmann

Let Them Eat Megabytes
Our media and pop culture offers virtually no indictment of the signal malady of our age: rampant inequality.
Chris Lehmann

Oprah’s Celebrity Pyramid Scheme
The daytime talk goddess' therapeutic theology ultimately leads into a blind alley.
Chris Lehmann

Scofflaws, Elected or Otherwise
America has entered a surreal post-accountability age.
Chris Lehmann

Twilight of the Social Critics
David Brooks' latest book, The Social Animal, does not bode well for post-crisis America.
Chris Lehmann

The Babbitt of the Bobos
Is David Brooks America's most misguided pundit?
Chris Lehmann

Freedom of the Press Moguls
Chris Lehmann
No Sweated Sectarian Madness Here
Chris Lehmann