Christopher Hayes is the host of MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes. He is an editor at large at the Nation and a former senior editor of In These Times.

Chris Hayes on the Cost of Sanctions on Iraq
Sixteen years ago, Chris Hayes weighed the impact sanctions had on the lives of Iraqis. What lessons can we glean from this today?
Christopher Hayes

The Misruling Class
Meritocracy worship bedevils America.
Christopher Hayes

The New Road to Serfdom
Over the course of 500 pages in The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein documents the moments of chaos and disruption that allow a small coterie of experts to swoop in and administer what's invariably called "bitter medicine," "painful reforms" or "shock therapy"
Christopher Hayes

Who’s Afraid of Democracy?
Believing that "people are rational as consumers and irrational as voters," many conservatives would favor free markets without democracy
Christopher Hayes
What We Learn When We Learn Economics
Is a little economics a dangerous thing?
Christopher Hayes
The Abramoff Babies
Like the "Watergate Babies" of 1974, the new Democratic Congress will have to pick between sustanative or procedural reforms.
Christopher Hayes

9/11 and the “Good War” on Terror
How the Greatest Generation helped pave the road to Baghdad
Christopher Hayes

Economic Populism Proves Popular
To thwart legislation that put caps on payday lending rates, Republican lawmakers in Oregon had to pass it
Christopher Hayes
The New Funding Heresies
What everyone knows (but no one will say) about funding the left
Christopher Hayes
What Was Missing At YearlyKos
Christopher Hayes

Postmark Guantánamo
Why is the Pentagon keeping prisoners' mail from their lawyers?
Christopher Hayes
Veronica Mars, Class Warrior
Why this teen series is smarter than you think.
Christopher Hayes

New Orleans Defendants Lost in Legal Swamp
Post-Katrina, thousands still wait in jail for justice from a broken system
Christopher Hayes

Keeping America Empty
How one small-town conservationist launched today's anti-immigration movement
Christopher Hayes

Head of Stage
Berlusconi uses members of Congress as props in his bid for re-election
Christopher Hayes

Barbarians at the Helm
Christopher Hayes

Raising a Million Voices for Darfur
Christopher Hayes

Were Sanctions Worth the Price?
As conflict with Iran looms, questions remain about the moral implications of sanctions
Christopher Hayes

Katrina: After the Storm
Historian Karen Sawislak talks about what's old in New Orleans
Christopher Hayes

In Search of Solidarity
Christopher Hayes

Backdoor Draft, Back Again
Despite signaling that it would no longer tap the Individual Ready Reserve, the Army calls up more troops just in time for the holidays.
Christopher Hayes

Snap, Crackle Patents
Can you patent the business method of selling cereal? One company gave it a shot.
Christopher Hayes

The Three Alitos
Christopher Hayes

Beatrice Were: Fighting a Deadly U.S. AIDS Policy in Uganda
Christopher Hayes

Who is Sherrod Brown?
An unabashed progressive takes aim at a Senate seat in Ohio
Christopher Hayes
Why The Law Is In Shambles
An interview with Chicago labor lawyer, Tom Geoghegan
Christopher Hayes

Symbol of the System
What do you get when you cross gutted labor laws with a corporate culture of impunity? Why, Wal-Mart, of course!
Christopher Hayes

Opening the Lines
While federal communications flopped, a small band of wireless technicians helped Katrina victims reconnect with the world
Christopher Hayes

Operation Enduring Boredom
Far from celebrating free expression, the Pentagon's September 11 Freedom Walk was expression free
Christopher Hayes

The Case for a Democratic Marker
Christopher Hayes

Politicizing the Personal: Growing the Progressive Movement
Organizers should focus on 'points of access' to engage with those outside the progressive base.
Christopher Hayes
What does the AFL-CIO do, anyway?
Christopher Hayes

The Fight for Our Future
Christopher Hayes
From The Frontlines
Christopher Hayes
Don’t Just Stand There, Do Something!
Christopher Hayes

A Swift Backlash
Evidence of Bush's dubious service record continues to mount
Christopher Hayes
So Funny It Hurts. Literally.
Christopher Hayes
Buried Story of the Day
Christopher Hayes
Where’s My Recovery
Christopher Hayes
Moral Cowardice
Christopher Hayes
Oh No He Didn’t
Christopher Hayes
Just Read The Headlines
Christopher Hayes
Some Good Advice
Christopher Hayes
Around the Net
Christopher Hayes
Zell Hath Mo’ Fury, Part III
Christopher Hayes
Referndum on Democracy
Christopher Hayes
Zell Hath Mo’ Fury
Christopher Hayes
Bush’s Record
Christopher Hayes