Flint Taylor is a founding partner of the People’s Law Office in Chicago. He is one of the lawyers for the families of slain Black Panther leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark, and together with his law partner Jeffrey Haas was trial counsel in the marathon 1976 civil trial. He has also represented many survivors of Chicago police torture, was involved in the struggle for reparations, and has done battle with the Chicago Police Department — and the Fraternal Order of Police — on numerous occasions over his 45 year career as a people’s lawyer

Van Dyke’s Guilty Verdict Was Made Possible By Decades of Activism Against Racist Policing
The murder conviction of Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke didn't happen in a vacuum—it was the result of years of community outrage over police violence.
Flint Taylor

In Milwaukee, a History of Racist Violence Fuels Mistrust of the Police Department
A recent shooting recalls the decades of abuse inflicted on the city's African-American community by police.
Flint Taylor

Even Though He’s Not on the Ballot, Rahm Emanuel Could Still Lose
The state's attorney's contest between Anita Alvarez and Kim Foxx has become a referendum on the suppression of the Laquan McDonald video
Flint Taylor

The Black Panther Party and the “Undying Love for the People”
The new documentary The Black Panthers, Vanguard of the Revolution is full of insights for today's racial justice activists.
Flint Taylor

How Activists Won Reparations for the Survivors of Chicago Police Department Torture
A history of the movement to make Chicago pay for the crimes of former police commander Jon Burge.
Flint Taylor

To Catch a Torturer: One Attorney’s 28-Year Pursuit of Racist Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge
A human rights attorney looks back at his nearly three decades going after Chicago's notorious torturer of African-American men.
Flint Taylor

Why Chuy Garcia Needs To Condemn Rahm Emanuel’s Secret Police Interrogation Site (Updated)
By any other name, it still smells like torture.
Flint Taylor

Blood On Their Hands: The Racist History of Modern Police Unions
Flint Taylor

On International Human Rights Day, Consider the U.N.‘s Statements on the American Justice System
We usually think of "human rights abuses" as something that occur abroad. But recent U.N. proceedings have strong words for the U.S.'s domestic and international activities.
Flint Taylor

A Short History of Killer Cops Let Off the Hook
The U.S. has a long history of allowing police to walk free after vicious racist violence.
Flint Taylor

Jon Burge, Torturer of Over 100 Black Men, Is Out of Prison After Less Than Four Years
Chicago's notorious former police commander is released from prison. A human rights lawyer representing police torture victims responds.
Flint Taylor

Racism, the U. S. Justice System, and the Trayvon Martin Verdict
What happens when African Americans don't get a jury of their peers?
Flint Taylor