Robert B. Reich, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley, was Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. Time magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the 20th century. He has written numerous books, including the bestsellers Aftershock and The Work of Nations. His latest is titled The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It.
Robert Reich's writes at His latest book is "THE SYSTEM: Who Rigged It, How To Fix It." He is Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center. He served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, for which Time Magazine named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. He has written 17 other books, including the best sellers "Aftershock,""The Work of Nations," "Beyond Outrage," and "The Common Good." He is a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine, founder of Inequality Media, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and co-creator of the award-winning documentaries "Inequality For All," streaming on YouTube, and "Saving Capitalism," now streaming on Netflix.

ViewpointElection 2024
What Lesson Should the Dems Take From the 2024 Election? Return to the Working Class
The party should use this inflection point to shift ground—from being the party of well-off college graduates, big corporations, and vacuous “centrism”—to an anti-establishment party ready to shake up the system on behalf of the vast majority of Americans.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Trump Won't Get a Civil War Over His Indictment
Donald Trump is as dangerous as ever, and is inciting violence. But the country is not going to war with itself over his own narcissistic cravings.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Why Aren’t Democrats Talking About the Real Cause of Inflation?
Casting corporate profiteering as a key driver of inflation would be a political winner for Democrats—and it has the virtue of being true.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Trump Is Getting the Search of His Mar-a-Lago Estate All Wrong
While Trump claims the search was an "assault" orchestrated by forces seeking to stop him from running for president, in reality the Justice Department is just carrying out an investigation into potential crimes.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: The Biden White House Is Making a Mistake By Not Tying Inflation to Corporate Power
When we talk about inflation we must also talk about soaring corporate profits.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: We’re Living Under the Cruelest Form of Capitalism in the World
Wealth inequality has spiraled out of control. It's time to end this vicious cycle.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Blame Chipotle, Not Workers, for the Price of Your Burrito
Republicans claim stimulus payments have forced employers to overcompensate for a labor shortage. But the only shortage is of jobs that pay a living wage.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Don't Buy the GOP's Phony Anti-Corporate Turn
Republicans may lash out at Coca-Cola for being too "woke," but they have no interest in challenging big business' grip on our politics.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: How Mitch McConnell’s Republicans Are Destroying America
While a lethal pandemic and economic crisis wreak havoc on working families, McConnell and the GOP are dead set on protecting business interests and enriching the wealthy.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Break Up Facebook (and, While We’re At It, Google, Apple and Amazon)
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: The GOP Tax Bill Is Everything That’s Wrong With Our Democracy
The Republican plan will hurt the poor, enrich the wealthy and make GOP campaign donors very happy.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Trump and the GOP’s New Tax Plan Is a Giant Gift to the 1%
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Why Putting Steve Bannon on the National Security Council Is So Terrifying
The dangers of "America First."
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: It’s Time to Dismantle the Democratic Party and Start Anew
Trump's victory only confirms that the Democratic Party as it stands is a corporate fundraising machine that doesn't speak to the needs of working people. We need to build a party that actually represents the working class.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: The Real Scandal of Trump Paying No Taxes
It’s not just that Trump worked the system—it’s that it was all perfectly legal.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Why a Single-Payer Healthcare System is Inevitable
Private markets for health insurance pose a structural problem, and Obamacare can't fix it.
Robert Reich

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire Wins Show that People Are Sick of the Establishment
It's not about growing extremism. It's about a frustration with the status quo.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Why Hillary Clinton Is Wrong for Refusing To Resurrect Glass-Steagall
Resurrection of the Glass-Steagall Act has become an important policy difference between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
Robert Reich

How Flexible Scheduling Is Making American Workers’ Lives Miserable
Robert Reich

Hillary Clinton Is Saying the Right Words on Income Inequality. But Will She Do Anything About It?
This is a defining moment for Democrats—and for Clinton.
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: The ‘Sharing Economy’? More Like the ‘Share the Crumbs’ Economy
Robert Reich

Robert Reich: Without Reeling In Wall Street, the Middle Class Is Doomed
It’s nice that presidential aspirants are talking about rebuilding America’s middle class. But to be credible, candidates must take clear aim at Wall Street.
Robert Reich