Thomas Linzey, a contributing writer to Rural America In These Times, is the executive director and co-founder of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) and serves as the organization’s chief legal counsel.
CELDF provides free and legal services to community-based groups and local governments working to protect their quality of life and natural environment. The organization also sponsors Democracy Schools, from which more than 3,000 citizens have graduated.

Rural America
Hey Liberal, You’re Late, but Welcome to the Local-Control Party
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
No More Fairy Tales: Why the United States Needs a Whole New Operating System
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Can the Community Rights Movement Fix Capitalism?
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Pebble Mine: “One More Indicator That We Are Undoubtedly the Dumbest Species on the Planet”
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Community Rights: Because Climate Conferences Won’t Stop Climate Change
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Rigged: How Our Legal System Prevents Communities from Governing Themselves
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
“We’ve Broken the Planet”: A Case for Liberation Ecology and the Rights of Nature
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Community Override: When State Legislatures Preempt Democracy
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Slaves In All But Name: Abolishing the Corporate State in Rural Communities
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Fracking Bans Are Teaching Americans That They Are Not as Free as They Think
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Citizens United, Democracy and the Two Paths that Lie Before Us
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Greasing the System: Why Corporate ‘Rights’ Matter
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
The Myth of Community Rights: Self-Governance has a Corporate Ceiling
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
Firing Big Green: Are National Environmental Groups Really Serving the People?
Thomas Linzey

Rural America
The Spirit of 1773 and the Right to Local Self-Government
Thomas Linzey