Tom Ladendorf is an American writer and musician who lives in Cologne, Germany, and a former In These Times editorial intern.

French Voters Must Heed the Lessons of Donald Trump and Reject Marine Le Pen
The similarities between Trump and Le Pen are striking—but France still has a chance to avoid the mistake made in America.
Tom Ladendorf

The Left Must Put Refugees and Migration at the Heart of Its Politics
Mathew Carr rebukes Europe's inhumane and fear-fueled response to the refugee crisis.
Tom Ladendorf

These Online Platforms Make Direct Democracy Possible
New platforms are bringing power to the people.
Tom Ladendorf

These New Co-op Apps Show How to Build Worker Power In the Age of Uber
In the apps of the "platform cooperativism" movement, workers share in the profits
Tom Ladendorf

The Group of Artists That’s Winning Fair Pay By Targeting Nonprofits
Organizing artists can be like herding cats. That hasn't stopped WAGE from fighting for fair pay for art.
Tom Ladendorf

The Paris Climate Agreement Sets Ambitious Goals, But Countries Won’t Achieve Them—Without Us
COP21's heart may have been in the right place, but by the numbers, the sum is still climate catastrophe.
Tom Ladendorf

Accused of Supporting Torture, DePaul University Dean Faces Calls For Resignation
Like others who had a hand in the Bush-era torture programs, activists say, Gerald Koocher is facing virtually no consequences for his role in allowing psychologists to participate in "enhanced interrogation" techniques.
Tom Ladendorf

Security Guards from Chicago’s O’Hare Airport Join One-Day Nationwide Airport Worker Strike
Tom Ladendorf

Cab Drivers Stop Traffic at Chicago Airports, Protesting Rahm Emanuel’s Uber-Friendly Proposal
Tom Ladendorf