February 2014 Volume 38, Issue 02

We Shot John Lennon
50 years ago, the Beatles ran afoul of America's pathologies.
Susan J. Douglas
Is Another Crossfire Possible?
Jon Stewart was wrong: America needs vigorous debate. Too bad the new Crossfire doesn't deliver.
Bhaskar Sunkara
Single Payer Rises Again
As the ACA takes effect, an alternative gains ground at the state level.
Sarah Jaffe
Not Wasted on the Young
Instead of worrying about achievement, we should be ensuring the young get proper youths.
Jane Miller
Throwing Satire to the Wolf
Scorsese's latest is a romp through vicarious amorality.
Michael Atkinson
The ‘Sharing’ Hype
Do companies like Lyft and Airbnb help democratize the economy?
Rebecca Burns
Grad Students Reunionize
NYU students win recognition through grassroots organizing.
Andrew Mortazavi
Where Obama’s Class Speech Failed
The president claims 'the opportunity gap in America is now as much about class as it is about race.' Is it?
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
The Minimal Selfie
Narcissism goes digital.
Catherine Tumber
Yinzers Toss Teach for America
An embattled public school system fights back against privatization.
Theo Anderson
A Private-Sector Model: Really?
How Obama and the Democrats failed to defend the universal right to healthcare.
James Thindwa
A Very Adult Social Security Tantrum
Centrist Dems are horrified by Elizabeth Warren's plan to raise benefits. But populists aren't backing down.
Chris Lehmann
Double, Double, Race and Gender Trouble
American Horror Story: Coven sets out to explore race, but doesn't get past white guilt.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle

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