
Elizabeth Warren, Please Drop Out for the Sake of a Better World
Warren has no path to the Democratic nomination, but by dropping out and endorsing Bernie Sanders she can still help make her egalitarian vision a reality.
Hamilton Nolan
It’s Not Just Bernie Anymore—Centrist Dems Are Skipping AIPAC in a “Watershed Moment”
Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg have joined Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in abandoning the pro-Israel conference that critics call "a fringe, right-wing, radioactive rogue organization."
Julia Conley
Bloomberg Unleashes Warren’s Rage—At Last
If Warren has a superpower, it is her anger—a righteous, coruscating fury that beautifully clarifies the moral stakes of a rigged economy.
Kathleen Geier
Where the Ongoing Mass Protests Against Neoliberalism in Chile Came From
Chileans are still taking to the streets to protest an unjust economic order. It will take a political movement to change the system.
Anna Kowalczyk
With Bloomberg Running, A Student Debt Strike Is Even More Urgent
Bloomberg's plan doesn't go far enough to address the student debt crisis
Ann Larson
“I Would Love Medicare for All”: A Nevada Culinary Union Member on Why She Supports Bernie Sanders
While the powerful Culinary Workers Union in Nevada is attacking Sanders' universal healthcare plan, a rank-and-file worker says "a lot of members want Bernie" and support Medicare for All.
Rebecca Burns
Buttigieg and Centrist Dems Want a Military Response to Climate Change. That’s Dangerous.
The Pentagon sees climate victims as threats.
Sarah Lazare
Our View of Black History Has Radically Shifted in a Few Short Years
The case for reparations and The 1619 Project have focused attention on what makes African Americans distinct.
Salim Muwakkil
War Is an Enormous Threat to the Climate Movement
Unless challenged, U.S. military power imperils any serious response to the climate crisis.
Sarah Lazare
Yes, Michael Bloomberg Is Definitely an Oligarch
The multi-billionaire has spent his career using his fortune to undermine democracy and enact his preferred political agenda. His presidential gambit is just the latest example.
Paul Heideman
Trump Says Covering All Immigrants Would Bankrupt Our Healthcare System. That’s a Lie.
Covering undocumented immigrants under Medicare for All isn’t just morally right—it’s also economically sound.
Adam Gaffney
Bernie Sanders’ Feat in Iowa Shows Democratic Socialism Can Win
By taking the popular vote lead in Iowa, Sanders has upended the notion that running as a socialist is a liability.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Young People Don’t Support Biden. Why Does the Establishment Still Think He’s the Most “Electable”?
Don't believe arguments about "electability" coming from the corporate wing of the Democratic Party.
Joel Bleifuss
James Thindwa, a Man Who Did What Needed to Be Done—And Said What Needed to Be Said
In These Times lost a friend. But his words live on.
Joel Bleifuss
The Latest Perversion of Martin Luther King Jr.? Invoking His Legacy to Defend Means-Testing.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a committed democratic socialist. If you want to honor his legacy, join the fight for universal social programs.
Eli Day
Yes, Joe Biden Has Long Pushed Cuts to Social Security. End of Story.
Bernie Sanders is right to call out Biden’s objectionable record on cutting Social Security—no matter what Paul Krugman says.
Max B. Sawicky
Amy Klobuchar Says She Wants to Protect Obamacare—But Has Worked to Undermine It
Klobuchar has sold herself as a pragmatist who will expand healthcare while being “fiscally responsible.” But her record is one of siding with big business.
Branko Marcetic
In His Lies, Joe Biden Is Sounding a Lot Like Trump
While Joe Biden has promised a break from Trumpism, when it comes to his record, the former vice president has shown an utter disregard for the truth.
Branko Marcetic
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