
None of This Garbage Is Important
Let's not spend the next two years gleefully hypnotizing ourselves, again.
Hamilton Nolan
The Hunger Cliff Shows That the GOP Is Pro-Poverty
Millions of people are losing essential food assistance because Republicans want to impose work requirements that benefit corporations—not families.
Jim Pugh
What Unionized Starbucks Workers Think of Howard Schultz’ Testimony to Bernie Sanders
Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz was grilled over alleged union busting in front of a congressional committee this week. That's not something you normally see in Washington.
Saurav Sarkar
The Chicago Mayoral Race Is High Stakes for Working People
In a new video, workers speak out against Paul Vallas’ destructive record on budgets and public education.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
“The People of Chicago Run the City”: Brandon Johnson on His Progressive Vision
We spoke with Chicago mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson about public safety, the housing crisis and building a movement against the neoliberal status quo.
Maximillian Alvarez
SVB's Bailout Signals a Financial System Still Rotten to the Core
The spectacular collapse of Silicon Valley Bank was caused by corruption, financial recklessness and poor decision-making. How much longer will we put up with this?
Branko Marcetic
Biden’s New Budget Is a Progressive Opening Gambit
While Republicans are proposing to slash social programs, the White House has released a plan to boost policies that help working families while increasing taxes on the rich and corporations.
Max B. Sawicky
A 4-Day Work Week Could Be Closer Than You Think
Both workers and employers prefer a shorter working week, according to results of a major new study. The next step is taking it mainstream.
Anna Coote
Change the World and Watch Public Opinion Follow
How to stop letting our crises go to waste.
Hamilton Nolan
We Need to Cut the Military Budget, But Don’t Trust the Far Right to Do It
There’s an urgent need to stop funding wars and human rights abuses abroad and to free up funding for human needs at home. The Freedom Caucus can’t be counted on for either.
Phyllis Bennis
These 8 States Are Working Together to Tax the Hell Out of the Super-Rich
With a wealth tax stalled at the national level and Republicans in control of the U.S. House, a coalition of progressives at the state level are fighting for tax justice.
Nick Vachon
Why Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Is Facing an Uphill Battle for Re-Election
Accusations of broken promises may spell a dim outlook for incumbent Lori Lightfoot, community organizers say.
Kari Lydersen
Democrats Hold Trifecta Power in Over a Dozen States. Will They Actually Use It?
Republicans have used legislative majorities at the state level to undermine their opposition, but the Democratic Party has often failed to fight back. This is a chance to change that.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
What the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party Has Planned Next
Rather than taking a back seat, progressives are using their expanded ranks to flex their muscle in Congress—and transform the Democratic Party.
Larry Cohen
Here’s How Rail Workers Are Fighting On After Biden Blocked a National Strike
Politicians may have headed off their strike, but rail workers haven't stopped organizing for paid sick leave and safe staffing.
Jeff Schuhrke
Milton Friedman Set Us Up for a 21st Century Version of Fascism
In 2023, market fundamentalism is fostering authoritarianism—in the United States and abroad.
Joseph Stiglitz
The Necessary Refuge of Third Places
Our public meeting spaces have been disappearing. It’s time to reclaim them.
In These Times Editors
How Private Equity Gave Rise to a New Power Elite
The dominance of predatory financial firms has allowed a class of super-rich investors to exert vast control over our economic and political lives.
Heather Gautney
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