
The Republican Party’s Plan to Fight Inflation Is a Sham
Republicans don’t have a strategy to lower costs for consumers, but they are plotting to slash the safety net.
Max B. Sawicky
Crypto Predators Wage Class War with a Smile
The cryptocurrency bubble reveals the emperor’s new grift.
Hamilton Nolan
To Make Debt Relief a Reality, We’ll Need to Reform the Supreme Court
The legal hurdles facing Biden’s student loan cancellation plan underscore the need to overhaul our democracy—and make debt relief universal.
Scott Remer
Why Is ‘Pro-Union’ President Biden Pushing a Labor Deal That Rail Workers Rejected?
While the Biden administration is seeking to avert a strike by backing a contract over union objections, Bernie Sanders and other progressives made a last-ditch effort to win guaranteed paid sick leave.
Jeff Schuhrke
Ranked Choice Voting Won the Midterms
More than 15 million people now have access to ranked elections, and that number is only growing
David Daley
The “Labor Shortage” Is Being Used as a Pretext to Harm Workers
Lawmakers and bosses are citing a supposed lack of workers as justification for a suite of reactionary policies aimed at further squeezing the working class.
Sarah Lazare
The Left Has a Lot to Celebrate After the Surprising Midterm Results
After the midterm elections, more left-wing insurgents are going to the House, Bernie Sanders has two strong allies in the Senate and progressive ballot measures passed everywhere.
Branko Marcetic
Democrats Can’t Be Counted On to Stop the MAGA Right, So Socialists Are Stepping Up
After the midterms, Congress will have more socialists than ever—while progressive policies won across the country. The Left will have to use its power to take on the anti-democratic GOP.
Kristian Hernandez
Democrats Need To Be Even Better on Abortion To Win the “Blue Tsunami” They Need
An interview about the midterms with reproductive justice pioneer Loretta Ross.
Andrea Plaid
How to Fix the Pathetic Florida Democratic Party
To reverse their dismal midterm election performance, Florida Democrats need to embrace working people, the environment and Unite Here.
Hamilton Nolan
Democrats Must Invest in Young People If They Want to Win
The midterms proved the climate generation is a force to be reckoned with.
Varshini Prakash
How the Democrats Won and Lost the 2022 Midterms
What the surprising results mean for the electoral Left.
Maurice Mitchell
Lessons From the U.S. Left on Taking Power Vs. Organizing on the Outside
As social movements move beyond the default anarchist sensibility that prevailed through Occupy, they must still reckon with hard questions about bureaucracy and cooptation.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
Don’t Look Now But Progressives Are About to Expand Their Ranks in Congress
A lot is uncertain about the midterms, but there's one thing we do know—the House will have the largest left cohort in decades.
Branko Marcetic
Robert Reich: Why Aren’t Democrats Talking About the Real Cause of Inflation?
Casting corporate profiteering as a key driver of inflation would be a political winner for Democrats—and it has the virtue of being true.
Robert Reich
How Progressives Can Counter ‘Tough-on Crime’ Messaging
Crime plays on primal emotions. We need deep engagement to transform people's thinking.
Robert Kraig
Voters Could Help Stem the Homelessness Crisis in L.A. Next Month
A sweeping ballot initiative dubbed the “mansion tax” would raise funds to build supportive housing, provide rental assistance and implement other measures to help curb the crisis facing unhoused Los Angeles residents.
Annie Howard
Biden’s Marijuana Reform Plan Is a Good Start. He Can’t Stop There.
The Biden administration has taken the first step to ending harsh and discriminatory laws around marijuana. But it’s a far cry from justice for all those impacted.
Jesse Mechanic
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