
The Progressive Platform Gains Are Significant—But The Political Revolution Isn’t Stopping There
Now that Sanders has declared his support for Clinton, a senior Sanders campaign advisor maps the road ahead.
Larry Cohen
The War We Forgot To End: Why Are We Still in Afghanistan?
President Obama just announced he's keeping 8,400 troops in Afghanistan—but it's time for the U.S. to withdraw fully.
Eli Massey
Andrew Cuomo’s Blacklist for Critics of Israel
Activists take aim at the lawmakers trying to silence BDS.
Alex Kane
Elie Wiesel Denounced Oppression of Jews—But Didn’t Do the Same for Palestinians
How should we remember the Nobel Peace Prize recipient who also provided cover for the devastation of the Middle East?
Max Blumenthal
While You’re Busy Mocking Abigail Fisher, the Powerful Racist Forces Behind Her Are Getting a Pass
It might feel good to mock "Becky with the bad grades," but focusing on her lets the real power players in her anti-affirmative action case off the hook.
Jon Booth
The Tragedy of Brexit
In Thursday's Brexit referendum, Britain decided its fate. But what will that fate be?
Jane Miller
Capitalism’s Favorite Show
Undercover Boss is a mirage.
Michael Terry
The Brexit Vote and the Future of the European Union
We can only hope that common sense will prevail.
Jane Miller
At the People’s Summit, Activists Plot How to Take Bernie Sanders’ Revolution Down Ballot
Participants are looking to carry their momentum on to local races around the country.
Simon Davis-Cohen
Breaking the Cycle of Violence in South Sudan: An Interview with Nick Turse
Journalist Nick Turse characterizes the situation in South Sudan, and how American policy has shaped the world's newest nation.
Marc Daalder
The Unintended Consequences of a Brexit
On June 23, British voters will decide if Britain will leave the EU—but either option carries serious economic and social consequences.
Jeff Faux
Did the Mainstream Media Take Down Bernie Sanders?
The rebellious nature of the Vermont senator's presidential bid didn't fit the mainstream press's predetermined scenario.
Neal Gabler
The Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders Fight Has Gotten Nasty. But It’s Not Nearly As Bad As 2008.
Have we all forgotten how acrimonious Clinton vs. Obama was?
Branko Marcetic
Bernie Has Every Right To Raise Hell at the Democratic Convention
As wise man once said, “Democracy is not always nice and quiet and gentle."
Joel Bleifuss
It Isn’t Too Late To Bring U.S. War Criminals to Justice
Other nations have done it.
Rebecca Gordon
Meet the Rabbi Who Renounced Zionism and Embraced Palestinian Liberation
When Brant Rosen spoke out against Israel's occupation of Palestine, he lost his Jewish spiritual community, but quickly found another.
Eli Massey
How U.S. and U.K. Media Are Trying Their Best To Push Nicolas Maduro and Venezuela Over the Edge
American political and media elites would love to see the leftist Venezuelan government go down just as Brazil's Workers' Party has.
Max Ajl
These Online Platforms Make Direct Democracy Possible
New platforms are bringing power to the people.
Tom Ladendorf
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