
Chicago Progressive Groups Aim to End Rahm Emanuel’s City Council Stranglehold
Two Chicago coalitions are working to elect progressive candidates in the 2015 elections—and build an enduring movement.
Kari Lydersen
The Democrats Need a Shot in the Arm
Republicans pulled together in the midterms to continue waging war on workers, the planet and democracy. Democrats ran from each other. The results shouldn't surprise us.
David Moberg
Mainstream Media’s Unsurprising Advice for Dems: Move Further to the Right
Even at a time of voters' clear desire for strong progressive policies, the advice is the same as always.
Peter Hart and Jim Naureckas
The Lesson from the Midterms: Elizabeth Warren Should Run in 2016
After the pity party’s through, let’s get organized.
Joel Bleifuss
Americans Clearly Aren’t Buying into Democrats’ Empty Economic Promises
The Democrats have failed to put forward a program that offers real improvement in the average person's life.
Dean Baker
How Can We Get More Women In Elected Office? Look to New Hampshire.
The Granite State is poised to become the first state in the U.S. to achieve gender parity in elected office. Here's how they did it.
Rebecca Hellmich
Noam Chomsky: The Long, Shameful History of American Terrorism
President Obama should call our country's history of supporting insurgents abroad for what it is: U.S.-backed terrorism.
Noam Chomsky
How Ferguson’s Black Majority Can Take Control of Their City
Our analysis of the voting data shows that when only white people vote, only white people get elected.
Amaris Montes and Zack Avre
Jim Crow at the Polling Place
New voter legislation is an unwelcome blast from the past.
Joel Bleifuss
Obama’s Delay on Immigration: Shameful, But Savvy
Latinos won't tip the midterms. Anti-immigrant right-wingers might.
Achy Obejas
Pulling the Plug on Corporate Personhood
Citizens United prompted cries for a constitutional amendment. But how to amend?
Rob Richie
The Black-Brown Alliance That’s Turning Kansas Blue
Why is Pat Roberts running for his life in the Kochs' home state? Ask community organizers.
Sam Ross-Brown
Karen Lewis Has Already Redefined Chicago Politics
She's out of the race, but the movement continues to build.
James Thindwa
Big Brother Is Watching You—Through Your Metadata
Your personal information may seem to be anonymous, but it isn't.
David Sirota
Jesse Jackson Keeps Pushing
30 years after his first presidential run, Jackson talks Obama, Civil Rights and the black vote.
Joel Bleifuss
Abortion Isn’t a Necessary Evil. It’s Great
Progressives should admit it: We like abortion.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Noam Chomsky: Only One Thing Will Make Israel Change Course
Israel's brutalization of Palestinians through exercises like "mowing the lawn" will persist without a change in U.S. policy.
Noam Chomsky
Jon Burge, Torturer of Over 100 Black Men, Is Out of Prison After Less Than Four Years
Chicago's notorious former police commander is released from prison. A human rights lawyer representing police torture victims responds.
Flint Taylor
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