
Biden's Plan to Permanently Seize Afghan Assets Set to Cause Untold Suffering
"I can't think of a worse betrayal of the people of Afghanistan than to freeze their assets and give it to 9/11 families," said one person whose brother was killed on Sept. 11, 2001.
Jon Queally
How Targeting Programs to Poor People Leaves Out Poor People
Some centrist Democrats are pushing to make the expanded Child Tax Credit means-tested. In practice, that often means restricting benefits for the very people who need it most.
Jim Pugh
A Landmark Bill Would Outlaw Bosses Cutting off Healthcare to Striking Workers
Employers regularly eliminate healthcare benefits as a strike-breaking tactic. A bill just introduced in Congress seeks to finally end this practice.
Indigo Olivier
The Supreme Court Has Long Been Anti-Worker. This Is Biden’s Chance to Change That. 
To fulfill his promise of being a “pro-union president,” Biden should choose a justice who has shown a commitment to defending workers’ rights.
Moshe Z. Marvit
States Now Hold the Key to Making Medicare for All a Reality
With action stalled at the national level, local elected officials and movement organizers have joined forces to enact single-payer healthcare.
Michael Lighty
Financial Superbubble Meets Political Dystopia
The next major recession will be the final ingredient in America's poisonous post-Trump evolution.
Hamilton Nolan
Disrupt or Anchor the Democratic Party? Why Not Both?
Political scientists Frances Fox Piven and Daniel Schlozman offer key perspectives on whether movements should put pressure on political parties from the outside, or focus on gaining insider power themselves.
Mark Engler and Paul Engler
The “Great Resignation” Is Just Hype
The solution to Biden’s economic problems is simple: spend more money to fuel the recovery.
Max B. Sawicky
How January 6 Is Being Used to Crush Dissent on the Left
Rather than grapple with the political forces behind the Capitol siege, lawmakers have instead pushed a spate of anti-protest laws across the country.
Branko Marcetic
The Ticking Bomb of Crypto Fascism
The crypto market's inevitable crash will pull America's politics in an even scarier direction.
Hamilton Nolan
A Lot Depends on How Much of a Sociopath Joe Manchin Is
Will he watch the world burn for the sake of civility?
Hamilton Nolan
Stop Buying Holiday Gifts for Your Boss
A third of U.S. workers say they buy presents for their manager. It’s time to end this predatory ritual once and for all.
Miles Kampf-Lassin
Running Scared from Inflation Is a Recipe for Ruining the Economy
The specter of inflation is being invoked by Sen. Joe Manchin to block vital social programs in the Build Back Better bill. It's just a pretext for class war.
Max B. Sawicky
Is Money for Nukes More Important Than Paid Family Leave? Congress Thinks So.
With Biden’s Build Back Better bill sidelined, the Senate just approved a gigantic military budget—including funds for “useable” nukes. That’s unconscionable.
Danny Sjursen
Big Panic For a Democracy That Never Was
Donald Trump is no more of a threat to democracy than the U.S. Constitution itself.
Hamilton Nolan
Lauren Boebert Is Inciting Violence Against Muslims. This Can't Be Tolerated.
Boebert’s Islamophobic attacks are a threat not just to Ilhan Omar, but to all Muslims in America. It’s time that she faces consequences for her racist actions.
Junaid Ahmed
These Three Candidates Worked Together to Bring "Sidewalk Socialism" to Their City Council
In spite of India Walton's loss in Buffalo, N.Y., Election Day 2021 still showed promise for socialism on the local level.
Rebecca Burns
The New Inflation Scare Is the Dumbest Thing Since Voodoo Economics
Elites are sounding the alarm over threats of inflation in order to block Biden’s social spending plan. We shouldn’t fall for it.
Max B. Sawicky
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