The Wisconsin Idea

These Blue-Collar Trump Supporters Think the Economy Is Great. Your Move, Democrats.
At Trump’s Milwaukee rally, supporters boasted that he’s ushered in an economic miracle. Democrats face the challenge of convincing them otherwise.
Kari Lydersen
How Medicare for All Could Improve—and Save—the Lives of Transgender People
Transgender people are systematically shut out of medical coverage. Medicare for All could change that.
Izii Carter
A Win Against Voter Suppression in the South
While Republicans have purged voter rolls and suppressed Black turnout in the South, voting rights organizers just showed how to win.
Casey Williams
Rural America
For Democrats, the Road to Victory in 2020 Runs Through Rural America. This Report Offers a Road Map
Joseph Bullington
Barbara Ehrenreich on Why Socialism Should Be Fun
In a sprawling interview, Ehrenreich explains the joys of radical politics and why there's no time to wait on capitalism to solve the climate crisis.
Indigo Olivier
Why Many Uber Drivers Couldn’t Afford To Stay Home During Australia’s Fires
Uber's business model is built to exploit workers. In 13 major U.S. markets, drivers are paid below minimum wage.
In These Times Editors
Trump’s NLRB Quietly Makes It Riskier To Wear Union Schwag at Work
Michael Arria
Rural America
Dicamba on Trial: Peach Farmer’s Case Against Bayer, BASF Set to Begin Monday
Johnathan Hettinger
Young People Don’t Support Biden. Why Does the Establishment Still Think He’s the Most “Electable”?
Don't believe arguments about "electability" coming from the corporate wing of the Democratic Party.
Joel Bleifuss
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