The Wisconsin Idea

The Media Uses Coal Miners To Attack the Green New Deal—Then Ignores Their Pension Fight
Sarah Lazare
We Have a Dental Care Crisis. Medicare for All Could Solve It.
Guaranteed dental coverage would finally put an end to the deep inequities in U.S. oral health.
Natalie Shure
Should HIV-Positive Workers Be Allowed in the Sex Industry? Some Advocates Say Yes.
Carrie Weisman
Ranked Choice Voting Is On a Roll: 6 States Have Opted In for the 2020 Democratic Primary
We can get rid of the "spoiler" effect and make our elections more democratic. In fact, it's already happening in states across the country.
David Daley
Jewish Youth Say “Never Again” As They Protest Trump’s Concentration Camps
Activists are risking arrest during two weeks of actions in Boston, Chicago, Newark and other major cities.
Stephanie Russell-Kraft
Rural America
The Bright Side of the Current Farm Crisis: An Opportunity For Change
Jim Goodman
Joe Biden Didn’t Just Vote for the Iraq Invasion—He Helped Lead the March to War
Biden may run from it today, but he played a critical role in ensuring America’s involvement in the most disastrous foreign policy venture of the 21st century. Here’s how.
Branko Marcetic
Rural America
Removing the Stain of Wounded Knee:  Members of Congress Move to Rescind Medals of Honor
Stephanie Woodard
Julián Castro’s Troubling Record in San Antonio
While Castro may now boast of his progressive bona fides, his record shows a history of embracing austerity and neoliberal reforms.
Branko Marcetic
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