The Wisconsin Idea

Meet the Woman Who’s Fought Racism in the Mississippi Delta for 54 Years
The days of racist policymaking are far from over. But where the state has refused to invest in Black communities, We2gether Creating Change is filling the gap.
Eli Day
Any Dem Who Wants to Be President Should Reject War with Iran, Not Hide Behind Process Criticisms
Here's where 2020 Democratic hopefuls stand.
Julianne Tveten
This Louisiana Parish Allowed a Quarter of Its Sheriff’s Deputies To Work Security for a Pipeline
Water protectors say the swamp was swarming with uniformed police working for the company.
Karen Savage and Sarah Lazare
Could Regional Reparations Help the Democrats Retake the Rust Belt?
States such as Ohio and Michigan have been hit with blight and economic downturn. Offering reparations to those hardest hit could be the key to winning in 2020.
Leon Fink
Yes, the UAW Lost Again in Chattanooga. But a Rank-and-File Movement Could Win.
Chris Brooks
“Hardhats vs. Hippies”: How the Media Misrepresents the Debate Over the Green New Deal
Michelle Chen
We Can’t Settle for Less Than Single Payer
25 years ago, ITT's staff was divided about Clinton's healthcare plan. This time around there's no question.
Joel Bleifuss
The Climate Crisis Is Mind-Boggling. That’s Why We Need Science Fiction.
Only 29% of Americans report being “very worried” about the climate crisis. Climate fiction writers can help change that.
Amy Brady
The Trump Administration’s War on Federal Workers
Sarah Lahm
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