The Wisconsin Idea

Rural America
Removing the Stain of Wounded Knee:  Members of Congress Move to Rescind Medals of Honor
Stephanie Woodard
Julián Castro’s Troubling Record in San Antonio
While Castro may now boast of his progressive bona fides, his record shows a history of embracing austerity and neoliberal reforms.
Branko Marcetic
It’s Not Just About Deportations: Trump Wants To Create a Permanent Underclass
Maximillian Alvarez and William Lopez
Biden and the Obama Admin Are Finally Getting the Reckoning They Deserve
From immigration to tax deals, Thursday night’s debate saw the troubling records of both Biden and the Obama administration put on trial. It’s long overdue.
Branko Marcetic
The Democratic Debates Showcased the Most Dangerous Form of Climate Denial
By failing to recognize the urgency of the crisis, most candidates are helping bury it.
Thea N. Riofrancos
Workers Who Waged the Biggest Trump-Era Manufacturing Strike Just Struck a Deal—Here’s What It Says
Saurav Sarkar
Why We Still Need a Movement to Keep Youth From Joining the Military
A scrappy counter-recruitment movement is trying to starve the military of labor.
Elizabeth King
Life, Liberty and a Stable Climate: These Kids Are Arguing for a New Constitutional Right
After a June hearing, the youth suing the government await news on whether their case will proceed to trial.
Arun Gupta
125 Years After the Pullman Uprising, We Could Be on the Verge of Another Sympathy Strike Wave
Ryan Smith
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