The Wisconsin Idea

The NATO Summit Wasn’t a Victory for Trump—It Was a Victory for Militarism
Major media outlets are so focused on Russiagate they are missing the dangerous international military buildup taking place.
Branko Marcetic

Brett Kavanaugh Once Sided With an Anti-Union Company That Scapegoated Undocumented Workers
Ethan Miller

#RedforMed: 1,800 Vermont Nurses Are On Strike Demanding Their Hospital Put Patients Over Profits
Rachel Johnson

Tech Corporations Reportedly on the Verge of a Major Coup in NAFTA Negotiations
David Dayen

These Union Members Are Going to War with the Largest Private Development Project in U.S. History
Juan Cruz Ferre

Inside the Koch Family’s 60-Year Anti-Union Campaign That Gave Us Janus
Lisa Graves

I Couldn’t Help But Wonder…Is Democratic Socialism Catching On?
Sex and the City star and New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is now a democratic socialist.
Kate Aronoff

After Wall Street’s Destruction of Toys ‘R’ Us, Pension Funds May Divest From Private Equity
Doug Henwood and Liza Featherstone

The Tech Industry’s Push to Hire Autistic Workers Could Be a Recipe for Hyper-Exploitation
Julianne Tveten