The Wisconsin Idea

There’s Nothing New About Not Calling the Cops
Communities of color have long led the way in reducing reliance on police—because they have to.
Benji Hart

Trump’s Turn to Electronic Monitoring Isn’t a Humane Solution
ICE's use of electronic monitoring devices poses risks to immigrants released from detention.
Zachary Kligler

Israel’s New Nation-State Law Enshrines Apartheid
The formal embrace of ethnic cleansing strengthens Israel's right wing--and portends an escalation of violence against Palestinians.
Alex Kane

The Killing of Harith Augustus Shows How Police Violence and Capitalism Are Inextricably Linked
On Chicago police, economic violence and the Black resistance movement.
Aislinn Pulley

Rural America
How Factory Farm Pollution Harms the Quality of Life in Rural Communities
Sacoby Wilson

Shaming White People for Calling the Cops Is Just the First Step
Next, we have to reduce our reliance on police.
Derecka Purnell

As the Planet Warms, Can OSHA Protect Workers From Extreme Heat?
Michael Arria

“Why We Threw Mark Janus a Going Away Party—But Didn’t Invite Him”
Sarah Lazare

From Italy to Hungary, the Trumps of Europe Are Rising to Power
The leader of Italy’s far right, an admirer of Trump, has suggested a “mass cleansing” of Roma.
Joel Bleifuss