The Wisconsin Idea

How America Is Exporting Gun Violence to Mexico
A failed drug war and lax U.S. gun regulations spell out disaster for Mexico.
Laura Weiss
In Yellowstone, Heavy Lies the Stetson (on Kevin Costner’s Head)
Land disputes, water rights, Native sovereignty: Paramount’s new series could hardly be more relevant to today’s West.
Carson Vaughan
Attack on Yemen Port Shows U.S.-Backed Coalition Willing To Use Starvation as a Weapon
By attacking Hudaydah, the Saudi-led coalition is cutting off another vital lifeline.
Shireen Al-Adeimi
Rural America
#WomeninAg: USDA Profiles a Lakota Cattle Rancher
Sally Gifford
Liberals Are Criticizing the Korea Summit From the Right. Here’s Why They Have it All Wrong.
With an end to the 68-year Korean War finally in sight, some U.S. "progressives" are pushing Trump to be more hardline--despite the fact that Koreans overwhelmingly want peace.
Sarah Lazare
Rural America
Reef Madness: The Trump Administration’s Plan To Hand a Coral Ecosystem to the Fishing Industry
Sasha Kramer
Maine Becomes the First State To Test Ranked-Choice Voting
Progressives vote for their favorite candidates without the fear of spoilers.
Julia Conley
Boeing Workers in S.C. Have Finally Unionized. But Trump’s Labor Board Could Kibosh It.
Michael Arria
The GOP Wants To Open the American Dream to the Poor, By Taking Away Their Food
By cutting food stamps and instituting work-for-food requirements, Republicans say they are creating a land of opportunity.
Joel Bleifuss
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