The Wisconsin Idea

Jonathan Chait Is Wrong: Neoliberalism Is Real and Fundamentally Opposed to Left Principles
Neoliberalism stands in direct conflict with socialism. We must name it so we can overcome it.
Meagan Day
The Great Midwestern Divide: Why Minnesota and Wisconsin’s Political Schism Matters
The governorships of conservative Scott Walker (R-Wis.) and progressive Mark Dayton (D-Minn.) have yielded dramatically different results.
Theo Anderson
What Does the Resistance Really Stand for If It Criminalizes Free Speech?
Pressure is building for 'progressives' to pull their support from proposed legislation that would criminalize support for Palestinian rights.
David Palumbo-Liu
Bernie Sanders On the Right-Wing Ideology That Rules Our Economy
Milton Friedman is still the false prophet of Wall Street.
Bernie Sanders
The Hidden Costs of “National Security”: 10 Ways Your Tax Dollars Are Paying for War
In government terms, make no mistake about it, the Pentagon & Co. are the 1%.
William D. Hartung
Locked Up for Being Poor? Chicago Just Took a Big Step Forward in Bail Reform
Activists are lauding a new court order while continuing to push for the end of money bond.
Abby Lynn Klinkenberg
This Left Challenger Is Showing How to Use Progressive Economics to Flip Trump Country
Congressional hopeful Jess King is bringing an anti-poverty agenda to the working-class community of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Kate Aronoff
At the Bullfrog, Those Left Behind by the Global Economy Find Relief—and a Place to Talk Trump
In a Jamestown, N.Y., hotel and bar, down-and-out former factory workers seek solidarity and camaraderie—often expressed in shared rants about immigrants or liberals.
Kari Lydersen
NPR Workers Just Showed Us Why Journalists Need to Organize
Michael Arria
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