The Wisconsin Idea

Workers Say NAFTA’s Neoliberal Foundations Need to Be Dismantled from the Left—Not the Right
Jeff Schuhrke

Shackles Aren’t “Bracelets”: Why We Should Be Concerned About the Marketing of Punitive Technology
Electronic monitors are devices of unfreedom—not decoration.
James Kilgore

White Lawmakers Are Using Alabama’s Racist State Constitution To Keep Black Wages Down
Alabama wrote its 1901 constitution to “establish white supremacy.” Workers in a majority-black city say it’s Jim Crow all over again.
Bryce Covert

What Taxi and Uber Drivers Really Think About the Ride-Sharing Boom
Teke Wiggin

Harvey Weinstein Revelations Force the Question: Where Was the Screen Actors Guild?
Morgan Spector

Rural America
How Much Nitrate Is in Rural America’s Water?
John Collins

In CNN’s Tax Debate, Bernie Sanders Showed How Democrats Can Win with Socialism
By offering a bold vision of policies to help working families, Sanders voiced a popular alternative to Ted Cruz and the GOP's barbarism.
Kate Aronoff

A Case Study in How NAFTA Undermines Strikes
Gerard DiTrolio and Doug Nesbitt

Trump’s Heritage Foundation Speech Is a Sign of the Coming All-Out War Within the Right
Both factions of the conservative movement want tax cuts for the rich—but the knives are out between the Bannon and GOP establishment wings.
Theo Anderson