The Wisconsin Idea

A New Study Shows Hillary Clinton’s Hawkishness May Have Cost Her the Election
The lesson for Democrats is clear: Embrace a strong anti-war program.
Branko Marcetic
‘Police Chose the Klan Over Our People’: On Resisting Racism in Charlottesville
When the KKK came to this city, communities mobilized for collective self-defense. Police were not on their side.
Sarah Jaffe
The Abolitionist of Walden Pond
Two hundred years after his birth, Henry David Thoreau is as relevant as ever.
Dayton Martindale
The Right Calls Climate Change a Leap of Faith. But Denial Is a Leap into the Abyss.
Climate change presents us with an existential challenge: Can humans muster the political will to save ourselves?
Theo Anderson
Not Your Sacrifice Zone: In Lead-Poisoned East Chicago, Residents Fight for Their Health and Homes
A public housing development was built on the site of a lead smelter. Now, residents are demanding justice.
Kaela Bamberger
Rural America
It’s Time to Talk (Again) about Sewage Sludge on Farmland
Laura Orlando
Is Guatemala the Next Uber Frontier? Taxi Drivers Say ‘Hell No’
Jeff Abbott
We Have an Existential Imperative to Resist GOP Death Panels
The casualties of the war on health are real and imminent, not a hyperbolic exaggeration.
Joel Bleifuss
Sorry, Tories: Jeremy Corbyn’s Success Is a Win for the Anti-Austerity Movement
British progressives have a long fight ahead. But for now, we're breathing a collective sigh of relief.
Jane Miller
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