The Wisconsin Idea

Rural America
Activists to Congress: This New GMO Labeling Law “Doesn’t Pass the Laugh Test”
Tracy Frisch
Leaked Emails Show Hillary Clinton Would Likely Continue the Worst Parts of Obama’s Economic Legacy
Confirming progressives' suspicions, Clinton is shown hewing to the center on banking and entitlements.
Branko Marcetic
Trump Backers Who Said Bill Clinton’s Sex Life Ruined the Country Are Now Standing By Their Man
Politicians and pundits who waxed poetic about Bill Clinton’s illicit sex apparently see no problem with Trump's behavior.
Theo Anderson
Hey, Pundits: Stop Blaming Millennials For Trump—They Aren’t the Ones Voting for Him
Journalists who pin the rise of Trump on falling civic education standards ignore that young people are the least likely to vote for him.
Adam Johnson
What “TIFs” Are and How They Averted the Chicago Teachers Union Strike
Maha Ahmed
BREAKING—Chicago Teachers Reach Tentative Deal to Avert Strike (Updated)
David Moberg
The Syrian Kurds Need More Than Weapons—They Need Political Support
By providing weapons without diplomatic backing, the U.S. risks exacerbating tensions in both Turkey and Syria.
Patrick Lewis
Trump Will Lose the Election. But He May Still Win the War.
Trump is laying groundwork for the long game. It isn’t clear Clinton has one.
Theo Anderson
A New Godzilla for a New, Nationalistic Japan
"Shin Godzilla" sheds the monster's pacifist origins and shows a Japan eager to get out from under Washington's thumb.
Steve Ryfle
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