The Wisconsin Idea

There’s No Other Way To Spin It: Bernie Sanders Pulled Off a Huge Victory in Iowa
Who would have imagined, even a few months ago, that the Iowa caucus results would be so close?
Marc Daalder
The 5 Worst Excuses for Hillary Clinton’s Vote To Invade Iraq
Clinton supporters want Democratic voters to forgive their candidate's support for the most disastrous foreign policy decision in decades. They shouldn't.
Stephen Zunes
Bernie Sanders’ Moment of Truth
Bernie's political revolution reaches a decisive moment in the Iowa caucus.
In These Times Editors
The Lessons of Zapatista Women Activists for Today’s Social Movements
The role of indigenous women in the Zapatista movement is little known.
James Tracy
LGBTQ Protests Against Israel Are About Justice, Not Anti-Semitism
Israel uses a reductive version of “gay rights” to market itself with a positive, welcoming image—despite its egregious human rights abuses against Palestinians.
Jimmy Pasch
How Bernie Sanders Put Socialism to Work in Burlington: A Profile from 1983
Sanders sailed to reelection as mayor of Burlington after transforming supposedly conservative issues into left victories, and helping democratize city government. In this 1983 profile, Sanders delves into why he believes “the word ‘socialism’ has value” and “politics is not dissimilar to art.”
David Moberg
Joan Walsh to Young Bernie Sanders Supporters: Get Off My Lawn
Walsh's anger sounds like a diatribe against a rude, “barely shaving,” teen for not properly respecting his elder.
Matt Bruenig
Donald Trump and the Aesthetics of Fascism
What a 20th-century Marxist art critic can teach us about a very 21st-century candidate.
Alexander Billet
Rural America
Cattle, Guns, Birds and Boredom: Inside the Oregon Occupation
John Collins
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