The Wisconsin Idea

The Tribe Is a Silent Lord of the Flies
Though entirely in Ukrainian Sign, without subtitles, Slaboshpytskiy's remarkable film will speak to a hearing audience.
Michael Atkinson

Three U.S. Churches Are Now Debating Divestment From Companies Invested in the Israeli Occupation
The debates come just after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu compared BDS activism to the Holocaust.
Ryan Rodrick Beiler

The Anti-Union Bosses’ Group Fighting Fast Food Organizing Is Now Going After Home Care Workers
Can workers centers and unions create a movement strong enough to fight back?
Mariya Strauss, Political Research Associates

Dylann Roof’s Rhodesian, South African Flags Symbolize White Supremacy. So Does the Confederate Flag
That a racist mass murderer would embrace of the three flags should end the debates about whether or not the Confederate flag can mean anything other than racism.
Peter Cole

Rural America
Too Many Farmers? The Debate Continues
Fred Kirschenmann

Good News for Bernie Sanders? Poll Shows 47% of Americans Would Vote for a Socialist
A sizeable chunk of Americans say they'd consider voting to send a socialist to the Oval Office.
Marc Daalder

Rural America
Neil Young Sings Out Against the Age of Agribusiness
Maia Welbel

Going Beyond Labor’s Limitations: Larry Cohen Reflects on His Time as a Progressive Union President
An interview with Larry Cohen, outgoing Communications Workers of America president, on how the U.S. labor movement can go bigger.
David Moberg

Why the Media Doesn’t Call Massacres By White Supremacists “Terrorism”
Matt Bors