The Wisconsin Idea

Before It Was a Symbol of Racist Backlash, the Confederate Flag Was a Symbol of Endless War
Despite the fact that retailers and political figures are calling for its removal, history might be too prominent for the extinction of the Confederate flag.
Greg Grandin

CEOs Should Stop Complaining: Obama’s New Overtime Rule Is Long Overdue
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

Rural America
Rural America Goes to Greece
Laura Orlando

If the GOP Wants To Attract Young People, Maybe It Should Stop Screwing Them Over
Kristen Soltis Anderson’s The Selfie Vote suggests Republicans use "microtargeting" to win over the youth.
Chris Lehmann

Labor Lost the Fight Over Fast Track. But the Fact That Unions Oppose the TPP at All Is a Big Deal.
Leon Fink

Teamster Retirees’ Campaign Against Pension Cuts Draws Support from Bernie Sanders
Bruce Vail

The U.S. Is Locking Up Immigrant Children in Private Prisons Under Inhumane Conditions
The message being sent by the U.S. government is that when frightened women and children come to America seeking sanctuary, we will imprison them
John Washington

Rural America
Beating Swords into Plowshares, Poison Gas into Pesticides
Dayton Martindale

Rural America
Happy 4th of July: A Celebration of Community
John Collins