The Wisconsin Idea

As Ferguson ‘Weekend of Resistance’ Begins, Organizers Weigh How to Turn a Moment into a Movement
With thousands descending on Ferguson today to demand justice for Michael Brown, a creator of #BlackLivesMatter thinks now may be the time to win long-term victories.
Julia Wong

Big Brother Is Watching You—Through Your Metadata
Your personal information may seem to be anonymous, but it isn't.
David Sirota

22 States Where Adjunct Faculty Are Organizing for Justice
Joe Berry and Helena Worthen

Closing the Racial Wealth Gap Isn’t Just the Right Thing to Do—It’s Good Economics
The median net worth of white families is 9.5 times more than Hispanic families and 12 times more than black families. And the gap has scarcely narrowed in half a century.
Solana Rice and Lillian Singh

OverCriminalized: Alternatives to Incarceration?
George Lavender

Home Care in Crisis
Everyone agrees the answer to the critical shortage of caregivers is good jobs. But how do we get there?
Kathryn Joyce

Philadelphia Teachers Outraged After Union Contract Canceled by Unelected Reformers
Kevin Solari

Former Chicago Police Commander Accused of Torture Released from Prison
George Lavender

After Defeating Democrats, Will Ohio Unionists Form a New Labor Party?
Amien Essif