The Wisconsin Idea

The New ‘Harvest of Shame’: Children Who Pick Tobacco
Joe Conason, AlterNet

Mad Men: Season 7, Episode 6: Peggy and Don, Reunited (And It Feels So Good)
This was the kind of episode Mad Men fans live for.
Jude Ellison Sady Doyle

Supermarket Checker: ‘If You Want Personality, Then You Come to My Line’
Jeff Schuhrke

Death of a Hacktivist
A new documentary on Aaron Swartz.
Patricia Aufderheide

Oligarchy Enshrined
Why the Supreme Court’s McCutcheon ruling is good news for the super-rich and bad news for progressive Democrats.
Cole Stangler

Sixty Years After Brown v Board of Education, Racism Persists in Prison System says Attorney General
George Lavender

Turkey Erupts Over Mining Tragedy; Many Blame Privatization
Sisi Tang

Massachusetts Prisoners Take Sheriffs To Court Over “Degrading” Strip-Searches
George Lavender

A Boycott Today Keeps the Testing at Bay
A model Chicago alliance of teachers, students and parents is leading the way in a nationwide testing refusal movement
Yana Kunichoff