Working In These Times

NLRB Decision Could Mean Excellent News for Fast Food and Other Low-Wage Workers
David Moberg

IKEA Says It’s “Socially Responsible.” So Why Are Workers Accusing It of Union-Busting?
Bruce Vail

Behind the Business Attire, Many Bank Workers Earn Poverty Wages
Mario Vasquez

UE Organizing Director Bob Kingsley Prepares To Step Down, But Lefty Union Shows No Signs of Slowing
Bruce Vail

Home Care Workers Could Soon See a Major Raise In Their Wages
David Moberg

‘The Teacher Shortage’ Is No Accident—It’s the Result of Corporate Education Reform Policies
Kevin Prosen

McDonald’s Workers Take Fight for $15 to Brazil, Accuse Company of “Cannibal Capitalism”
David Moberg

Chicago Parents Enter Week 2 of Hunger Strike Protesting Corporate Ed Reform and Dyett HS Closure
Yana Kunichoff

Washington Supreme Court Rules All SeaTac Workers Must Be Paid $15 Minimum Wage
Keisa Reynolds

NLRB Declines To Rule On Northwestern Football Players’ Union, Setting Back Player Organizing
David Moberg

Workers Are Losing Manufacturing Jobs Because of Policy, Not NYT’s Mysterious “Tectonic Forces”
Dean Baker

Uber’s Attempt To Silence Its Drivers May Have Just Backfired
Clark Taylor

How the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Keeps Working People Poor and Destroys the Environment
Simon Swartzman

China’s Currency Devaluation Protected Its Workers—Something the U.S. Doesn’t Bother With
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

Machinists Union Members Outraged Over Hillary Clinton Endorsement, Say They Want Bernie Sanders
Mario Vasquez

Even if SCOTUS Makes Public Sector Unions Right-to-Work, Workers Can Still Organize and Win
Samantha Winslow

Union President: Supermarket Chain A&P Will Fire 25,000 Grocery Workers
Bruce Vail

Union Members Seem To Want Bernie Sanders Over Hillary Clinton. Will Labor Leadership Follow Them?
Mario Vasquez