Working In These Times

Indiana University Health Nurse Who Wanted to Unionize Fired—Then Un-Fired
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
You Can Bet on These Racetrack Workers To Fight for a Raise From Their Billionaire Boss
Bruce Vail
Yes, ‘Teach for America’ Workers Are Employees and Can Join Teachers Union, Rules NLRB
Patrick Sheehan
GOP Plan To Slash Social Security Thwarted
Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet
Dunkin’ Donuts CEO Who Makes $4,887 an Hour Outraged at $15 Minimum Wage
Zaid Jilani
Verizon Workers Prepare for a Strike Over Job and Benefit Cuts
Pam Galpern
Duquesne’s NLRB Filing Reads as a Brazen Threat To Adjunct Union Organizers
Moshe Z. Marvit
Why Unions Supported a Single-Payer Bill That Passed New York’s State Assembly
Mark Dudzic
Bankruptcy Judge Gives Go-Ahead for Mass Firings of Unionized A&P Grocery Workers
Bruce Vail
As Nabisco Ships 600 Jobs Out of Chicago to Mexico, Maybe It’s Time To Give Up Oreos
Marilyn Katz
Hundreds Take to the Streets Over Chicago Board of Education’s Decision to Further Slash CPS Funding
Crystal Stella Becerril
For New York Times, U.S. Labor Abuses At Home and Abroad Are a Thing of Decades Past
Dean Baker
After Threatening To Strike, NYC Airport Workers Win Union Agreement, Say They’ll Push for $15
Michael Arria
Why My Fellow Adjuncts and I Decided To Form a Union at Our Community College
Luke Niebler
American Unionists Join Chinese Uniqlo Workers’ Campaign for End to Alleged Abuse
Michael Arria
Donald Trump and the GOP Put Individual Wealth Over Strong Communities
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
How Barbara Byrd-Bennett Worsened Racial Inequality and Hurt Public Education in Chicago
Alisa Robinson
Univ. of California Academic Workers’ Union Calls on AFL-CIO To Terminate Police Union’s Membership
Mario Vasquez
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