Working In These Times

After Video of Calif. Police Breaking Up Teachers Union Meeting Goes Viral, School Apologizes
Mario Vasquez

The TPP Won’t Just Cost Workers Jobs—It Could Cost Them Their Lives, Too
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President

After Missouri Students Force President’s Resignation, Will More College Football Players Organize?
Alex Lubben

Labor For Bernie Sanders Activists Say They Are Undeterred By Union Endorsements of Hillary Clinton
Mario Vasquez

The Promise and the Peril of Members-Only Unions
Shaun Richman

Oxfam Calls Out ‘Big Chicken’ for Rampant Labor Abuses
Bruce Vail

Michigan Transit Workers Fight To Prevent City Bus System From Eliminating Their Pensions
Jeff Smith

In the Midst of Union Battle, Duquesne University Just Laid Off All but One of Its English Adjuncts
Moshe Z. Marvit

Heavy-Spending Trucking Industry Pushes Congress to Relax Safety Rules for Drivers
Brian Joseph

Connecting the Dots Between the “Identity Politics” of Black Lives Matter and Class Politics
Ethan Corey

In Minneapolis, a Strong ‘Fair Scheduling’ Law for Workers Runs Into a Corporate Roadblock
Justin Miller

Teach Classes in the Morning, Drive Uber at Night: Why Chicago Adjuncts Are Demanding a Union
Lauren Kaori Gurley

The Complicated Story Behind Those Images of Terrified Air France Executives Fleeing Workers
Robert Zaretsky

Union Democracy Pioneer Herman Benson, Defender of Rank-and-File Labor Reformers, Turns 100
Mark Brenner

SEIU, IBEW Locals in New Hampshire Announce Bernie Sanders Endorsement
Mario Vasquez

With Traditional Unions on the Decline, Can Members-Only Unions Breathe Life Back Into Labor?
Moshe Marvit and Leigh Anne Schriever

The Kabuki Theatre That Is the White House’s Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations
Jim Hightower

Keeping the Memory of Working-Class Struggle Alive in Philadelphia
Jake Blumgart