Working In These Times

Grocery Chain A&P’s Financial Meltdown Could Leave Thousands of Union Workers Jobless
Bruce Vail
Can the UAW Ditch Its Two-Tier Wage System in This Year’s Contract Negotiations?
Alexandra Bradbury
DOL Decision Could Mean the End of Wage Theft Through “Independent Contractor” Misclassification
David Moberg
Spreading a Minimum Wage Increase from Los Angeles to the Whole Country
Martha Sanchez
Thousands of Garment Factory Workers Across Cambodia Are Fainting on the Job
Michael Arria
Why I Introduced a Motion Against the Confederate Flag at the NEA Convention
Fred Klonsky
In the Information Economy, Workers Are Far From Obsolete
Doug Henwood
N.M. Field and Dairy Laborers Win Right To Workers’ Comp—Court Calls Exemption ‘Absurd’
Joseph Sorrentino
The ‘Nightmarish’ Boston Hotel Where Workers Have To Deal with Vomit, Blood-Soaked Carpets, Needles
How Migrant Farmworkers Are Cross-Pollinating Strategies—And Winning
Sonia Singh
Calm Down: SCOTUS’s ‘Friedrichs’ Case Won’t Mean the End of the American Labor Movement
David Moberg
“We Need to Stop Being Nice”: IL Labor, Community Activists Push Progressive Budget Crisis Solutions
Simon Swartzman
Jeb Bush Wants to Whip Workers Into Shape, But Not Corporations and the Idle Rich
Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers President
Richard Trumka on Gov. Scott Walker’s Presidential Run: “Walker is a national disgrace”
Martin de Bourmont
The AFT’s Endorsement of Hillary Clinton Is an Insult to Union Democracy
Lois Weiner
Congress Is Debating Whether or Not To Make It Easier for Bosses to Cheat Guestworkers
Rachel Luban
Faced With I-9 Immigration Raid During Negotiations, Chicago Meatpacking Workers Walked Off the Job
Yana Kunichoff
Rolling Back the New “Gilded Age” With Labor’s New Militant Minority
Charlie Post
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