David Sirota is an award-winning investigative journalist and an In These Times senior editor. He served as speechwriter for Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign. Follow him on Twitter @davidsirota.

A New Standard for Oxymoronic Newspeak
The NSA won’t say how many Americans it’s spying on because that would be invading their privacy.
David Sirota
The Potential Upside of Captivity
Despite what the industry would have you believe, higher taxes on fossil fuel production won't drive companies (and jobs) elsewhere.
David Sirota

The Revolutionaries Feeding the Obesity Crisis
Big Food thinks three meals a day just isn't enough.
David Sirota

The War on Whistleblowers
The Obama administration's dubiously legal whistleblower crackdown is a genuine threat to democracy.
David Sirota

The Legend of the Spat-Upon Veteran
It's a disproven myth, but politicians, keen on dispelling opposition and maintaining militarism, continue to feed the fable.
David Sirota

A Rare Admission That Money Trumps Everything Else
In New York, Cuomo reveals— unsurprisingly—it's easier to get things done when corporate power goes unthreatened.
David Sirota

Yes, We Can Walk and Chew Gum
The GOP notion that we can't pursue gay rights while fixing the economy is a red herring.
David Sirota

Our Guns and Butter Economy
In its drive for job-creating exports, is America creating a fatter, more violent world?
David Sirota

Property Rights in the Cloud
How much of you is really yours? In the age of cloud computing, it's a crucial question.
David Sirota

The Politics of Sight
Not knowing the truth behind what we consume makes things easier, but at what cost?
David Sirota

Contradiction Where Religion and American Politics Meet
In the U.K., Christians lean to the Left. How has the American Right co-opted a doctrine that espouses social justice?
David Sirota

The End of ‘Shut Up and Play’
When athletes champion causes, they show young fans that politics isn't just an inside-the-beltway game.
David Sirota

Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need New Roads
The U.S. pays a hefty toll, both socially and economically, for its road construction fetish.
David Sirota

Charter Schools Are Not the Silver Bullet
With all the reformist buzz, where are the results?
David Sirota

The Layer Ploy
The oil and gas industries are using the oldest corporate trick in the book: Hide the real agenda behind something popular.
David Sirota

A Welcome Return to Basic Standards
The meaning of Rush Limbaugh's recent apology.
David Sirota

The Opposite of Snobbery
Rick Santorum thinks making college affordable for all is elitist. How else are Americans going to find good-paying jobs?
David Sirota

Forgetting the Past, One Military Movie at a Time
When the entertainment industry gets in bed with the Pentagon, censorship is inevitable.
David Sirota

Will We Choose a Chinese Future?
Manufacturing jobs are trickling back into the U.S. economy because depressed wages are turning America into China.
David Sirota

Embracing ‘Enough’
Most Americans know when someone earns enough money. But those calling the shots just don't get it.
David Sirota

When it Comes to Education Technology, Trust but Verify
New gadgets in the classroom may cost more than schools bargain for.
David Sirota

The Economic Normalcy Bias
Even in a time of financial crisis, our culture consumes as if there were no tomorrow.
David Sirota

Our Selective Definition of Bigotry
There's unacceptable racism, and then there's acceptable racism.
David Sirota

America’s Real Occupiers
Public officials who remove themselves and their families from the community they govern.
David Sirota

Commemorating Our Soon-to-Be Lost Vernacular
What words and phrases will end up as relics of the past?
David Sirota

‘Tis The Season of Fake Outrage
Every year, the right wing inevitably decries the nonexistent 'War on Christmas.'
David Sirota

Banana Republicans’ Assault on Democracy
Why does America's highest-ranking GOP politician oppose scrapping the electoral college?
David Sirota

What Real Education Reform Looks Like
New reports underscore what should be obvious: Poverty and punitive funding formulas drive America's education problems.
David Sirota

Celebrating the End of Kids’ Wall Street Dreams
The number of young people in finance-related fields is falling—and that's not a bad thing.
David Sirota

Anger Sowing Seeds of a New Consumer Movement
A new study suggests consumer rage against businesses is at an all-time high.
David Sirota

Why Income Inequality Suddenly Matters
Americans are tired of watching the rich getting richer while the dream of upward mobility becomes a joke.
David Sirota

TV That Finally Lifts Journalism Back ‘Up’
Up With Chris Hayes purposely rejects the manufactured red-versus-blue mallet that bludgeons every issue into partisan terms.
David Sirota

The Choice Between Democracy and Autocracy
City mayors are going medieval on their protesting subjects.
David Sirota

Government by Death Panel
Our political leaders regularly make blood-soaked decisions that cost people their lives.
David Sirota

Stopping the Insanity
If you suspect our lawmakers and corporate leaders are all crazy, you could be right.
David Sirota

How Baseball Explains Modern Racism
America's pastime reveals a larger lesson about conditioned behavior in an institutionally racist society.
David Sirota

Two Heads of One Political Monster
Let's not pretend that there are vast differences between America's two political parties.
David Sirota

University of Hypocrisy
Why do America's colleges celebrate drinking alcohol but have no tolerance for marijuana?
David Sirota

Ten Years Later, It’s Time to ‘Broaden the Context’
It's time for Americans to grow up and have a mature conversation about 9/11 and uncomfortable truths.
David Sirota

The Lesson of the Chinese Invasion
David Sirota

Race and the Church of Denialism
David Sirota
The Vegetarian’s Dilemma
David Sirota
Collateral Damage in the War on Anonymity
David Sirota
The Bizarro FDR
David Sirota
The Terrorist Threat We’re Ignoring
David Sirota
Toward a New Politics of Food
David Sirota
The Finland Phenomenon
David Sirota
Shining the Spotlight on the Corporate Pay Gap
David Sirota