David Sirota is an award-winning investigative journalist and an In These Times senior editor. He served as speechwriter for Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign. Follow him on Twitter @davidsirota.
How Cash Secretly Rules Surveillance Policy
Booz Allen et al donate campaign cash. Politicians praise surveillance. What does Occam's Razor say?
David Sirota
Obama’s Dirty War on Journalism
Despite a facade of openness, the president has sought to crack down on "inconvenient" reporting.
David Sirota
Humanity’s Oldest Story
The White House claims unprecedented authority over drone strike assassinations.
David Sirota
Permanent Washington’s Backlash to Edward Snowden
The attacks on the NSA whistleblower reveal some ugly truths about America
David Sirota
Rethinking American Exceptionalism
America is certainly exceptional, but that isn't necessarily something to be proud of.
David Sirota
Painting the Red States Red
Gun control is wildly popular in places like Louisiana--but you wouldn't know that from the media.
David Sirota
After Oklahoma Disaster, Give Thanks for ‘Big Government’
Government--when working right--is the most powerful and reliable responder to large-scale emergencies.
David Sirota
If West, Texas Had Been a Terrorist Attack
Why the double standard?
David Sirota
The Military’s 40-Year Experiment
How the end of the draft made way for an 'era of persistent conflict.'
David Sirota
What’s Speeding Global Warming
Want to save the world? Eat less meat.
David Sirota
A Cronkite Moment for the War on Terror
Tom Brokaw states the glaring truth about the Boston bombings.
David Sirota
A Moment of Silence for Boston
We can thwart the terrorists by shutting off our screens.
David Sirota
‘Illegal’ Is a Racial Slur
Why the AP's decision to drop 'illegal immigrant' is a victory against bigotry.
David Sirota
Supreme Court Sets Radical New Precedent
Why is a judiciary body charged with upholding the constitution so concerned about public opinion?
David Sirota
Call It What It Is: A Class War
The GOP's budget is a naked assault on the poor.
David Sirota
The U.N.‘s Hypocritical War on Pot
The organization's double standards stand in the way of commonsense drug policy.
David Sirota
An Unrepresentative Democracy
America isn't nearly as conservative as our lawmakers think.
David Sirota
It’s OK, We’re All Panicking
40 million Americans suffer from anxiety-related disorders.
David Sirota
Two 2016 Prospects Reveal Democrats’ Identity Crisis
Elizabeth Warren and John Hickenlooper embody a party torn between populism and corporatism.
David Sirota
The Orwellian Pols Who Call Drones ‘Humane Weapons’
Our politicians have forgotten that the truly humane path is finding alternatives to war.
David Sirota
Didn’t Watch the Super Bowl? You Still Got Charged
4 ways everyone in America pays a Sports Tax, including $1 billion a year to the NFL.
David Sirota
Santa Claus-ifying Martin Luther King, Jr.
When the U.S. military tweets MLK quotes, you know things have gotten bad--for the military.
David Sirota
The President of Perpetual War
Obama's dovish rhetoric doesn't match reality.
David Sirota
The Second Amendment vs. the First
Alex Jones' now infamous meltdown on CNN teaches us two important lessons about gun control.
David Sirota
The Weathermen Don’t Know Which Way the Wind’s Blowing
Four in 5 Americans believe in global warming--but nearly half of local weather reporters don't.
David Sirota
3 Fiscal-Cliff Truths You Won’t Hear On TV
The news media gave us a reality TV show. Here's what they left on the cutting-room floor.
David Sirota
Football Coaches vs. the Common Good
Why doesn't the GOP gripe about our taxes going to multi-million-dollar coaches' salaries?
David Sirota
End the Mansion Subsidy
If you can afford a million-dollar mortgage, you don't need a tax break.
David Sirota
A Picture Worth Far More Than 1,000 Words
How the New York Post subway photo turns the lens on us.
David Sirota
The Dangers of a Data-Driven World
As we increasingly use algorithms that base decisions on past successes, innovation is threatened.
David Sirota
Ending the Drug War: No Laughing Matter
Colorado may have legalized marijuana last week, but the fate of the state's Drug War depends on the Feds.
David Sirota
Post-Election, The Revolving Door Swings Open
'Tis the season when yesterday's campaign advisers get plum lobbying positions.
David Sirota
A Republican’s Rare Chance to Be a Real Leader
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie could revolutionize his party by acknowledging a simple scientific truth.
David Sirota
In Defense of the Undecided Voter
In a complicated election, are the waverers really the simple-minded ones?
David Sirota
Two Old Names, One Lesson About Money
Forget Romney and Obama--what Brewster and Perot can teach us about campaign finance.
David Sirota
Mitt Romney’s Lies and a Startling Truth
Underneath Romney's prevarication, there's a surprising GOP shift on taxes.
David Sirota
Two Little Missing Words
If now isn't the time for President Obama to have a real conversation about Social Security, when is?
David Sirota
Brown v. Warren: Choosing Between Automatons and Leaders
Corporate execs fear elected officials who have inconvenient morals or brains--like Elizabeth Warren.
David Sirota
Drug Dealers Protecting Their Turf
Alcohol peddlers are fighting marijuana reform to keep out the competition.
David Sirota
Big Brother In Your Car
Oh, that little device under the dash? It's just your insurance company judging your driving.
David Sirota
The Climate Bites Back
Decades of aggressive urban sprawl have led to many Americans living in wildfire territory
David Sirota
From Greenwashing to Workerwashing
McDonald's and Coca-Cola prove capitalism can co-opt anything ... even worker uprisings.
David Sirota
Who Is Paul Ryan?
The media's image of Romney's running mate doesn't mesh with reality
David Sirota
Can Government Create Jobs or Not?
If Republicans don't believe government can create jobs, why are they pushing military spending?
David Sirota
Facing An Emergency, We’re Still Asking, “Where’s the Beef?”
Facing the worst drought in 60 years, the mere suggestion of forgoing meat once a week causes the GOP to go bonkers.
David Sirota
Gold Medalists In Fake Outrage
The hypocrisy underlying politicians' faux indignation over Chinese-made Olympic team uniforms.
David Sirota
Obscuring A Debate Over Butlers
The 1% will get a tax cut no matter who wins in November.
David Sirota
The Logic of Willful Ignorance
You don't need to be a political junkie to be a good citizen.
David Sirota