Joel Bleifuss, a former director of the Peace Studies Program at the University of Missouri-Columbia, is the editor & publisher of In These Times, where he has worked since October 1986.
Bleifuss has worked at In These Times for 34 years, including as managing editor and senior editor. He tackles the state of national and international events with a blend of critical insight and humor, and over the years has developed a niche for investigative reporting.
His reporting on environmental health issues, national security scandals and the Iran Contra affair has landed in newspapers and magazines around the country, including the New York Times, the Utne Reader, the Capital Eye and many others.
He is the co-author of the book “Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen?,” with Steven F. Freeman.
Before joining In These Times, Bleifuss was director of the Peace Studies Program for the University of Missouri, a features writer for the Fulton Sun in Fulton, Missouri, and a freelance journalist in Spain.
Bleifuss currently serves on the advisory board of The Public Square, a program of the Illinois Humanities Council.
No News is Bad News
Joel Bleifuss
Déjà Violence
Joel Bleifuss
The Buck Stops With Us
Joel Bleifuss
The Constitution Hijacked
Joel Bleifuss
Vietnam Reprise
Joel Bleifuss
The New Red Menace
Joel Bleifuss
Reality Day Dream
Joel Bleifuss
Nader on the Radar
Joel Bleifuss
Condoliesza testilies
Joel Bleifuss
Sleeping Thomas
Joel Bleifuss
A Man, a Plan, a Cabal
Joel Bleifuss
The Sludge Hits the Fan
Joel Bleifuss
Campaign of Shame
Joel Bleifuss
Is He Totally Crazy?
Joel Bleifuss
Fear Monger in Chief
Joel Bleifuss
How Now Mad Cow?
Joel Bleifuss
Union Makes Us Strong
Joel Bleifuss
Liar, liar
Joel Bleifuss
Strangers to Truth
Joel Bleifuss
Progressive Hope
Joel Bleifuss
Can You Spell Privatize?
Joel Bleifuss
Can You Spell Blacklist?
Joel Bleifuss
Corporate Medicare
Joel Bleifuss
Joel Bleifuss
Do You, Bob, Take This Man …
Joel Bleifuss
Just Add Water
Joel Bleifuss
We Spy
Joel Bleifuss
Dear Editor
Joel Bleifuss
Dirty Tricks
Joel Bleifuss
The More You Watch …
Joel Bleifuss
PR Watch Has Its Eyes Open
Joel Bleifuss
Creating Better Choices
Joel Bleifuss
The Anti-war General?
Joel Bleifuss
Conservatives Deconstructed
Joel Bleifuss
A Costly Preemption
Joel Bleifuss
Tits or Ass?
Joel Bleifuss
Will North Korea Be Next?
Joel Bleifuss
Cease and Desist
Joel Bleifuss
Dark Force
Joel Bleifuss
Heavenly Profits
Joel Bleifuss
James Watt of the 21st Century
Joel Bleifuss
Rods from God
Joel Bleifuss
The Most Not Wanted
Joel Bleifuss
Food To Die For
Joel Bleifuss
Illicit Sax
Joel Bleifuss
Lost Irony
Joel Bleifuss
Freedom to Lie
Joel Bleifuss
Job Opening
Joel Bleifuss