Joel Bleifuss, a former director of the Peace Studies Program at the University of Missouri-Columbia, is the editor & publisher of In These Times, where he has worked since October 1986.
Bleifuss has worked at In These Times for 34 years, including as managing editor and senior editor. He tackles the state of national and international events with a blend of critical insight and humor, and over the years has developed a niche for investigative reporting.
His reporting on environmental health issues, national security scandals and the Iran Contra affair has landed in newspapers and magazines around the country, including the New York Times, the Utne Reader, the Capital Eye and many others.
He is the co-author of the book “Was The 2004 Presidential Election Stolen?,” with Steven F. Freeman.
Before joining In These Times, Bleifuss was director of the Peace Studies Program for the University of Missouri, a features writer for the Fulton Sun in Fulton, Missouri, and a freelance journalist in Spain.
Bleifuss currently serves on the advisory board of The Public Square, a program of the Illinois Humanities Council.

Where’s the Alternative to Trump’s Austerity Budget? Look to Bernie Sanders’ Progressive Caucus.
The Congressional Progressive Caucus has proposed a radical People's Budget—but to pass it, we need to take over the Democratic Party.
Joel Bleifuss

Single Payer in the Golden State
The fight for Medicare for all goes to California.
Joel Bleifuss

Voting Doesn’t Have To Be Winner-Take-All
To get people engaged in politics, we need an electoral system based on proportional representation.
Joel Bleifuss

“There’s Not Very Much Time”: Robert Reich’s Plan to Fix the Democratic Party
The progressive economist outlines his vision for reviving the economy, reinventing the party and resisting Donald Trump.
Joel Bleifuss

Democratic Elites Are Uneasy With Keith Ellison. That Is Exactly Why He Should Be Head of the DNC.
The Democratic Party must be rebuilt—from the bottom up.
Joel Bleifuss

Pushing the Democratic Party Left: 40 Years of In These Times
Since 1976, In These Times has pressured Democrats for a more progressive agenda.
Joel Bleifuss

This Moment Demands We Fight Harder Than Ever Before
A message from our editor & publisher.
Joel Bleifuss

On the Clinton Foundation, Why Are Journalists Telling Us to Look the Other Way?
Hillary Clinton’s media sycophants appear to have forgotten how political corruption works.
Joel Bleifuss

An Inside-Outside Strategy For the Political Revolution
Raucous protests and down-ballot Democrats can beat the Bernie-or-bust blues.
Joel Bleifuss

Bernie Has Every Right To Raise Hell at the Democratic Convention
As wise man once said, “Democracy is not always nice and quiet and gentle."
Joel Bleifuss

When Two Choices for President Aren’t Enough
To address voter apathy, we need a new system
Joel Bleifuss

The Corporate-Backed Democratic Party Needs a Political Revolution
Bernie Sanders should use the momentum of his campaign to make demands at the Democratic National Convention
Joel Bleifuss

The Morning After the Nomination: Will Clinton and Sanders Supporters Come Together?
On July 28, either Sanders or Clinton will accept the Democratic Party nomination. It will be up to their supporters to unite in November.
Joel Bleifuss

Hillary Clinton Won Super Tuesday, But Bernie Sanders Won the Future
The millennials have spoken, and they overwhelmingly chose Sanders' radical change over Clinton's incremental reform.
Joel Bleifuss

Rewriting the Progressive Playbook
To counter the resurgent Right, Wisconsin progressives are thinking big
Joel Bleifuss

Will the Media Again Rush to Declare Clinton the Winner of Tonight’s Democratic Forum?
Why TV's talking heads discount Bernie Sanders
Joel Bleifuss

A Chemical-Industrial Complex
Why do many hazardous chemicals go unregulated in the United States? An In These Times investigation reveals the answer.
Joel Bleifuss

NDP Rising Star Nathan Cullen on How Republican Tactics are Infecting Canadian Politics, and More
The rising star of the socialist-leaning New Democratic Party discusses how Canadian Conservatives are learning from their neighbors to the south.
Joel Bleifuss

Is The Donald the New Ronald?
Reagan's candidacy was a punchline until it wasn't.
Joel Bleifuss

Gov. Walker Gets Off ‘Scot-Free’ For Alleged Campaign Finance Violations
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has halted an investigation into Walker's questionable campaign finance tactics.
Joel Bleifuss

Holier than Bernie
Which campaign matters more: Bernie Sanders's or Jill Stein's?
Joel Bleifuss

The Secrets and Lies of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
President Obama insists there's "nothing secret" about the massive trade deal—yet we aren't allowed to know anything that's in it.
Joel Bleifuss

Bernie Sanders: A Candidate Worth Voting For
'I have decided to be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president,' Sanders announced this morning.
Joel Bleifuss

Third Party Time ... Out
The quadrennial debate begins.
Joel Bleifuss

Chomsky, Lears and Elia Debate Whether an Academic Boycott of Israel Can Work
Is the tactic the best way to pressure Israel?
Joel Bleifuss

Parameters of Respectability
Syriza makes U.S. media elites uncomfortable.
Joel Bleifuss

The New Cuba: Capitalism with a Socialist Face?
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is delighted that Obama normalized relations with Cuba.
Joel Bleifuss

The Lesson from the Midterms: Elizabeth Warren Should Run in 2016
After the pity party’s through, let’s get organized.
Joel Bleifuss

Jim Crow at the Polling Place
New voter legislation is an unwelcome blast from the past.
Joel Bleifuss

Jesse Jackson Keeps Pushing
30 years after his first presidential run, Jackson talks Obama, Civil Rights and the black vote.
Joel Bleifuss

Why Vote in 2014
As Ferguson shows, people need a reason to think their vote matters. Here's one.
Joel Bleifuss

Chicago’s Next Mayor?
Karen Lewis may be the anti-Rahm that Chicago's looking for.
Joel Bleifuss

The Neverending Syndrome: From Vietnam to Iraq
As Iraq plunges into civil war, we should indeed play the blame game.
Joel Bleifuss

Mission To Muckrake
Why investigative reporting matters.
Joel Bleifuss

Bernie Sanders: The People’s President?
The Vermont senator on why he's mulling a run for the White House in 2016
Joel Bleifuss

Nobody Here But Us Chickens
Three recent examples of corporations corrupting government.
Joel Bleifuss

Getting Our Hands Dirty
Republican voting restrictions will hit young people hard. Where's the outrage among millennials?
Joel Bleifuss

Charter Schools: The Promise and the Peril
Two systems of public education go head-to-head in Chicago.
Joel Bleifuss

Schoolteachers Take On the Chicago Machine
The Chicago Teachers Union flexes its political muscle in the March primaries.
Joel Bleifuss

The Reform That Dare Not Speak Its Name
The virtues of proportional representation.
Joel Bleifuss

Precarious Democracy
A political agenda for the precarious class.
Joel Bleifuss

The Social Movement Romance
Progressives can't let a love affair with social movements distract them from electoral politics.
Joel Bleifuss

Chicago Teachers Lead the Way
The CTU plans to change the political landscape in Chicago.
Joel Bleifuss

Welcome Back, Jim Crow
With a helping hand from the Supreme Court, the GOP can cling to power by disenfranchising voters.
Joel Bleifuss

Obama’s SEC Cop-Out
The new chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission is fresh off Wall Street.
Joel Bleifuss

FCC: Fronting For Corporations?
Business is cheering Obama's nominee. That's bad news if you like your media diverse and your Internet free.
Joel Bleifuss

Tea Party Coup D’état
Progressives are too quick to believe that the Tea Party hurts Republicans.
Joel Bleifuss

A Just War in Timbuktu?
How the Salafist uprising in Mali threw our Enlightenment ideals into confusion.
Joel Bleifuss