Leonard Goodman is a Chicago criminal defense lawyer and Adjunct Professor of Law at DePaul University.

The Pentagon Is Still Lying About the Deadly U.S. Drone Program
A wrongly targeted Afghan aid worker and his family are among the latest casualties.
Leonard C. Goodman

It’s Never Been About the Second Amendment. It’s About Corporate Profits.
Our bought-and-paid-for politicians only hold the Constitution sacred when it aligns with corporate interests—like gun sales.
Leonard C. Goodman

War Profiteering Ain’t Physics
Even Trump can't buck the iron law of U.S. foreign policy: Follow the money.
Leonard C. Goodman

It’s Not Enough to Fight Trump—Progressives Need a Vision for the Future
Either decorporatize the Democrats or create a viable third party.
Leonard C. Goodman

How To Vote When There’s No Lesser Evil
On foreign policy, both candidates are bad, but Clinton may be worse. We can't keep supporting militarism out of fear.
Leonard C. Goodman

The Bizarre Experience of Agreeing with Trump
It's no coincidence that Trump, the candidate least in need of money or media attention, is the most outspoken against war.
Leonard C. Goodman

Bernie Is Right: The Military-Industrial Complex Is Alive and Well
For some, the Paris attacks were a windfall
Leonard C. Goodman

Obama’s Drone Policy Crashes and Burns
Yemen, the poster child for drone-based foreign policy, has collapsed on itself.
Leonard C. Goodman

It’s Not the Koran, It’s Us
The corporate media chorus willfully ignores that U.S. actions, not Islam, fuel jihadism.
Leonard C. Goodman

Christmas Comes Early for War Profiteers
It's a wonderful time in history to be an arms dealer.
Leonard C. Goodman

CIA No Evil
The Obama administration covers for Bush-era secrets.
Leonard C. Goodman

Sabotaging Peace with Iran
Congress couldn't undermine Obama's deal without the help of the arms industry.
Leonard C. Goodman

The War That Wasn’t
Snowden and Manning taught Americans skepticism, and not a moment too soon.
Leonard C. Goodman

Drone Justice is Blind
There's no way President Obama can fairly review each drone strike.
Leonard C. Goodman

In Questioning Brennan, Intelligence Committee Showed Little
The Senate watchdogs of the CIA played dumb on drones--again.
Leonard C. Goodman

‘A Giant Sucking Sound’
While Romney and Obama speechify, behind the scenes they continue to push policies that favor corporate profits over middle-class workers.
Leonard C. Goodman

Legislate First, Ask Questions Never
We all must share responsibility for the ignorance of our leaders.
Leonard C. Goodman
Making Obama’s Kill List
The public should have more information on the drone program and its targets.
Leonard C. Goodman

The U.S. Department of Double Standards
Corporate criminals go free while the Justice Department targets those without expensive lawyers and lobbyists.
Leonard C. Goodman

Ron Paul’s Common Sense
He's wrong on many things, but when it comes to foreign policy and civil liberties, the GOP Congressman sounds the right notes.
Leonard C. Goodman

A Broken Writ, a Kangaroo Court
Habeas corpus rights aren't intact in America. Just ask my Guantanamo detainee client.
Leonard C. Goodman

Assassinating the Rule of Law
President Obama has carried on where former President George W. Bush left off.
Leonard C. Goodman

Feds Focus on Foreclosure Fall Guys
Leonard C. Goodman

Wall Street Pulls Obama’s Strings
Leonard C. Goodman

Give Americans Healthcare
President Obama's healthcare reform bill may be undermined by lobbyists and lawsuits.
Leonard C. Goodman
AIPAC’s Country, Right or Wrong
Leonard C. Goodman
Political Corruption Laws: Absurd Theater
Leonard C. Goodman
Good Profits and ‘The Good War’
Leonard C. Goodman
Some Policies Don’t Change
Leonard C. Goodman
Sold to the United States for Cash
Leonard C. Goodman