Saqib Bhatti is the Executive Director of the Action Center on Race & The Economy.

ViewpointPalestineElection 2024
The Election Is Over and the Bombs Are Still Dropping. We Have to Stop Them.
We must recommit to the fight for an arms embargo.
Saqib Bhatti

ViewpointPalestineElection 2024
It's Not Too Late for Kamala Harris to Earn Votes Like Mine
Harris can win thousands of votes across the country, including in key swing states, by calling for an arms embargo.
Saqib Bhatti

“The Children,” James Baldwin Wrote, “Are Always Ours, Every Single One of Them"
Saqib Bhatti laments the unbearable task of parenting during genocide—from the United States to Gaza.
Saqib Bhatti

AI Is Already Being Used to Kill Palestinians in Gaza
Artificial intelligence is currently being deployed by the Israeli military in its brutal assault. The tech isn’t a future threat—it’s here.
Saqib Bhatti

We Blocked Biden’s Motorcade to Say: No More Support for Genocide
We can’t abide our government abetting the mass slaughter of children in Gaza.
Saqib Bhatti

Supporting Palestinian Rights Used To Be Considered Far Left. Now It’s Mainstream.
It’s clear that the Democratic base has moved on supporting Palestinian rights. Leadership needs to catch up.
Sandra Tamari and Saqib Bhatti

ViewpointPalestineEn Español
“Ya Termine De Votar Por El Menor De Los Males. No Votaré Por Joe Biden en 2024.”
A menos de que Biden cambie drásticamente su rumbo sobre Palestina, los votantes musulmanes—votantes críticos en estados clave—no votaran por él, y los demócratas no podrán culpar a nadie más que a sí mismos.
Saqib Bhatti

Progressive Organizations Can't Stay Silent on Palestine
While many progressive leaders are horrified by the attacks on Gaza, a culture of fear keeps them from speaking up.
Saqib Bhatti and Anna Lefer Kuhn

“I Am Done Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils. I Will Not Vote for Joe Biden in 2024.”
Unless Biden drastically reverses course on Palestine, Muslims will not turn out for him on Election Day—critical voters in key swing states—and Democrats only have themselves to blame.
Saqib Bhatti

As Mayor, Brandon Johnson Should Establish a Public Bank in Chicago
Chicago’s working-class neighborhoods have been exploited by predatory financial institutions and starved of desperately needed investment. Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson could change that by creating a public bank.
Saqib Bhatti

Why the Federal Reserve Should Grant Zero-Interest Loans to Local and State Governments
Our states and cities are facing devastating cuts due to the pandemic. To prevent that, let’s cancel Wall Street.
Saqib Bhatti

An Economic Blueprint for Chicago Any Progressive Candidate Should Get Behind
Chicago’s elections offer a chance to break with the neoliberal policies of the past—by taxing the rich to invest in underserved communities.
Saqib Bhatti

After Rahm Emanuel’s Neoliberal Nightmare, the Next Chicago Mayor Must Embrace Reparations
Emanuel's pro-corporate policies ravaged Black and Latinx communities across Chicago. His successor will be tasked with reversing this trend.
Saqib Bhatti

Why Is #Resistance Dem J.B. Pritzker’s Family Hotel Chain Hosting an Anti-Muslim Hate Group?
If he really wants to stand up to Trump’s bigoted agenda, Pritzker should demand Hyatt cancel the meeting of the racist group.
Saqib Bhatti

The Hidden Tax Increase for Working Families in the GOP Tax Bill
Saqib Bhatti

Goldman Sachs’ Strongman in Puerto Rico
Trump’s Puerto Rico policy is a backdoor bailout for the financial giant.
Saqib Bhatti

The Only Way to Defeat Trump Is to Understand That Race and Class Are Inseparable
Solidarity is key to building a multiracial working-class movement.
Saqib Bhatti

Puerto Rico Can’t—And Shouldn’t—Pay Its Debts Just to Enrich Wall Street Profiteers
With interest rates of 785 percent, the island got stiffed by the municipal equivalent of a payday loan
Saqib Bhatti

Why Donald Trump Sends a Chill Through My Muslim-American Body
Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric is even more dangerous than it seems
Saqib Bhatti

Rahm Emanuel Is Trying To Pay Wall Street Banks Even More for Chicago’s Bad Financial Deals
Saqib Bhatti

I Saw Disturbing Racism at Yale After 9/11. Sadly, It Seems Little Has Changed.
When will our universities stop treating students of color as throwaway items in the grooming of privileged white students?
Saqib Bhatti

A New Plan for American Cities To Free Themselves of Wall Street’s Control
Arbitrary financial fees are sucking cities and states dry. But they can change the terms if they band together and bargain collectively.
Saqib Bhatti

Why Chicago Won’t Go Bankrupt—And Detroit Didn’t Have To
Detroit's bankruptcy wasn't inevitable. Neither is Chicago's. But the austerity hawks don't want you to know that.
Saqib Bhatti

In Chicago’s Mayoral Election, the Austerity Agenda Went Unopposed By Both Emanuel and Garcia
Chicago's progressive movement needs to do more to advance a real alternative to austerity economics.
Saqib Bhatti