August 2007 Volume 31, Issue 08

Civil War by Other Means
Rigoberta Menchú's presidental bid could turn the page on Guatemala's bloody past
Jacob Wheeler
The Drug War’s Collateral Damage
Those victimized by a crackdown on marijuana since the early '90s can be denied everything from food stamps to voting rights to the right to adopt a child
Silja J.A. Talvi
Giving Science the Finger
Generalizations based on hand shape not only are formulated from small pools of data, but smack of pseudo science.
Jody Kolodzey
The Squandering of Obama
Political masterminds have transformed the candidate from a political visionary into an electoral product like every other presidential aspirant
Salim Muwakkil
Iraq: Mismanagement or Mass Murder?
No End in Sight explores how we got into Iraq and what screw-ups have made the situation spiral out of control
Michael Atkinson
Bloomberg Could Tie Centrists in Knots
If the New York mayor runs, he will stymie the ability of the Democratic nominee to play both sides of the fence on issues like guns, gay rights, immigration and choice
Laura S. Washington
Despite Raids, IDs For All
New Haven takes the lead in recognizing undocumented immigrants' rights to carry identification
Melinda Tuhus
Get Me Out of Gitmo
Most detainees at Guantánamo are willing and able to go home, but Bush's spin continues to dizzy our corporate media
H. Candace Gorman
Activism Illustrated
Inkworks Press celebrates a quarter century of political posters, the key to making a visual impact before the Internet's rise
Jen Angel
Death from Above
For the Iraqi people, the surge in U.S. troops has meant more bombs dropping from the sky and a surge in deaths
Brian Cook
Is Cheney Evil or Just a Weasel?
By likening Dick to He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, we confirm the bully's power rather than undermine it
Susan J. Douglas
Mainers Give Grads Debt Relief
Their state's economy at a crossroads, politicians embrace Opportunity Maine, which eases the financial burden of going to college
Adam Doster
China Plays Hardball with Soft Power
Out with strongman Mao and in with svelte-suited diplomats and film personalities: Chinese leaders have learned the value of a warm smile and firm handshake
Jehangir Pocha
Sicko’s Critics and the Upside of Hitler
Critics of the movie are hooked on pharmaceutical company payouts and part of a system that is rotten to the marrow and should be put out of its misery
Terry J. Allen
Iraqi Unions Fight the New Oil Law
"Written in the United States," the law would permit joint ownership of many Iraqi oil fields by foreign companies
David Moberg

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