July 2007 Volume 31, Issue 07

Forget the Foundations
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded shows how nonprofit fundraising hinders radical movements
Jeanine Plant
The Not-So Superfund
Congress lets fund to hold companies responsible for cleaning up their pollution run dry
Chelsea Ross
Entrapping Inflated Threats
Terrorist "plots" exposed by the administration have been notable for their lack of credible threat and the whiff of political opportunism
Salim Muwakkil
Transsexuals in popular culture
Recent Hollywood portrayals and fictional dramatizations have boosted the national visibility and humanity of transsexuals
John Ireland
Iran and America’s Tug of War
Iran's real threat to the United States has less to do with nuclear ambitions and more to do with an explosive tension between politics and resources
Robert S. Eshelman
Food Poisoning for Thought
Food regulators in both China and the United States have a financial or career stake in the profitability of the industries they are supposed to oversee
Terry J. Allen
The Plight of New Orleans Workers
Hands hired to clean up the Big Easy have been subjected to wage theft, exposure to dangerous substances, layoffs, tough discipline and discrimination
Rachel Metz
A GLBT Center of Their Own
A combination of public and private funds, Chicago's new GLBT community center enjoys broad political support and is the first of its kind in the country
Laura S. Washington
Militarizing Mexico’s Drug War
More than 1,000 police officers, soldiers and members of enemy cartels have been killed this year as President Calderon has turned up the heat
John Gibler
The Enduring Lies of Ronald Reagan
Though the GOP continues to canonize the fortieth president, we can't forget his legacy as a liar and a foreign policy flop
Susan J. Douglas
Torture By Another Name
The origins of "enhanced interrogation techniques" can be traced to the German Gestapo
H. Candace Gorman
Thicker Than Oil
Iraq Veterans Against the War take the baton from their Vietnam-era counterparts
Joel Bleifuss
Entrapping Inflated Threats
Was the terrorist plot to blow up JFK Airport a threat or a joke?
Salim Muwakkil

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